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Data Security and Privacy in EHRs: Ensuring Confidentiality and Compliance

Monday, July 24th, 2023
ehr privacy and security

Every healthcare provider understands the heavy burden of maintaining the privacy, confidentiality, and security of health information. However, with the rising cyberattacks on medical institutions, your responsibility as a provider to protect patient data has never been more crucial.

Healthcare remains one of the most vulnerable sectors to cybercrime, with healthcare organizations suffering an average of 1,410 weekly cyberattacks in 2022—an 86% increase from 2021.

It is, therefore, vital to implement strong security measures to prevent unauthorized access, breaches, and misuse of sensitive information. These measures involve employing encryption and authentication protocols and conducting regular security audits. 

By emphasizing the importance of data security in electronic health records (EHRs), you instill confidence in patients and foster responsible data handling within your organization. Prioritizing privacy safeguards strengthens your relationships with patients, upholds ethical obligations, and maintains trust. 

This blog will discuss how you can leverage your EHR software to beef up your practice’s cybersecurity infrastructure.

Why Is EHR Better Than Paper Records?

Electronic health records offer more control over privacy, confidentiality, and security than traditional paper-based records. Paper files are prone to getting lost or misplaced

If you unconsciously leave paper files out in the open, unauthorized individuals may gain access to sensitive information that might compromise the safety of your patients. The lack of built-in security features and tools makes paper records less secure in providing data security and privacy. 

Alternatively, if you decide to use an EHR instead of paper records, you must take certain precautions in advance. As one example, investing in an EHR also involves implementing security measures. This process is to ensure the confidentiality of patient health information. Remember: Patients should feel secure about their personal information and be able to control who has access to it.

5 Best EHR Security Measures for Protecting Data Privacy and Security

Recent studies state that hospitals account for 30% of all major data breaches in the healthcare sector. A significant majority of healthcare organizations, precisely 51%, reported a rise in data breaches since 2019. In the initial six months of 2022, a total of 337 breaches occurred, impacting a substantial number of individuals—approximately 19,992,810 people.

There is no denying that your healthcare organization is at risk from a wide range of cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, these threats can devastate your medical practice if you do not address them beforehand.

With these EHR privacy and security features, you can keep your practice safe and protect your patient’s confidential information.

1. Secure Data with Encryption

Healthcare data encryption protects sensitive medical information. Since EHRs, mobile devices, and email transmissions of protected health information (PHI) have increased rapidly, encryption has become more necessary.

Additional Benefits of EHR Data Encryption:

  • Data encryption helps you comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act  (HIPAA) more easily.
  • It makes your data more secure, whether you send or store it.
  • When data is encrypted, it remains intact. If a hacker tries to alter it during transmission, the recipient will know it has been tampered with.
  • It keeps your private and personal information safe from theft.
  • Encryption also protects your data when you use different devices. 
  • Encryption can save you money from fines and other costly legal repercussions that could stem from data breaches. 

Meanwhile, a paper record is easily accessible — anyone can read it, transcribe details, make a copy, or scan or fax the information. With an EHR, you can secure patient data and privacy using EHRs robust encryption methods

2. Ensure Password Protection

When it comes to securing patient records, password protection is crucial. It’s not just about creating strong passwords with numbers and letters. A reliable EHR system should include the following measures:

  • Lockout capabilities if someone enters the wrong password more than five times.
  • Passwords should mix letters, numbers, capitalization, and special characters to make them harder to guess.
  • Mandatory password resets at regular intervals.
  • User validation through five security questions or one-time passwords after entering the password.
  • Secure your account with two-factor authentication.

To ensure data privacy and confidentiality, EHRs must have password protection. Although patients must take their passwords seriously, you are also responsible for addressing this potential privacy concern. Password security practices and promoting strong passwords help mitigate unauthorized access risks.

3. Perform Audit Trails

With EHR systems, you can enhance security by providing audit trails, which is not readily achievable with paper records. It’s challenging to determine the last person who accessed a patient’s chart or if any alterations were made when using paper records.

However, an EHR system lets you quickly track who accessed a patient’s records, when, and if their access was authorized. Suppose someone accesses information they shouldn’t see. In that case, an audit trail will expose the situation, unlike paper records, which are difficult to control. This strongly incentivizes trained employees to respect patient privacy and confidentiality.

Having a reliable audit trail platform for your medical practice offers several benefits:

✅ It helps ensure your healthcare practice follows the necessary laws and standards.

✅ It provides you with a comprehensive view of your clinical operations, enabling you to analyze and understand significant trends, patterns, and areas for improvement.

✅ It helps you troubleshoot and investigate any issues or errors that may arise within your systems or processes, facilitating quicker resolutions and minimizing disruptions.

✅ It streamlines development processes and reduces costs associated with identifying and fixing issues. 

Audit trails within the EHR system are a security measure that promotes accountability and maintains patient data integrity.

4. Check for Industry Certifications

Protect your patients’ privacy using software certified by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC-ATCB). Only EHR systems that meet all security regulations and successfully pass rigorous testing and audits earn the ONC-ATCB certification.

Here are three main “checkpoints” that an EHR system needs to pass to become certified:

  • Functionality: The system should be able to create and manage patient records.
  • Interoperability: The system should be capable of communicating patient information with other systems.
  • Security: The system must protect patient information from being stolen or shared improperly.

If the EHR system meets these criteria, you can be confident in its performance, compatibility, and security. An ONC-ATCB-certified EHR system protects patients’ privacy and maintains their health records more effectively than paper records.

5. Automated Data Security and Privacy Risks Assessments 

Unlike paper records, EHR risk analysis evaluates electronic systems to identify potential vulnerabilities and threats to data security and privacy. Moreover, paper records require manual and time-consuming security assessment processes, which can result in human errors.

With an EHR, risk assessments are easy and time-saving. A thorough assessment should include the following elements:

  • A summary of all the protected health information (PHI) your practice creates, sends, or receives.
  • An explanation of how threats might affect your practice.
  • An analysis of your practice’s current security measures.
  • The location(s) where you physically and digitally store PHI.
  • An overview of any potential threats that could become a security risk.

Utilizing risk assessment tools and conducting an EHR risk analysis ensures that you address all necessary aspects of data security, helping you fulfill HIPAA requirements

Remember that the federal government imposes strict EHR privacy and security rules through HIPAA and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH). So you must adopt measures to comply with federal regulations to avoid penalties, fines, and other legal backlash. 

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

Managing EHR data security and privacy is a complex and time-consuming task. That’s why it’s wise to get professional help vetting software and implementing security procedures to ensure that you beef up your data security and privacy protocols without disrupting your daily operations.

Manage your EHR’s security concerns easily by working with a trusted partner like EMR-EHRs! We’ll be able to ensure full HIPAA compliance with your EHR solution and the ongoing safety of your patient’s records.

Over the years, we have assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We provide customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s needs.

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

In your medical practice, how do you maintain EHR security? Let us know in the comments!

Enhancing Patient Care with EHRs: Improving Clinical Decision-Making and Outcomes

Monday, July 24th, 2023
ehr patient care

The importance of electronic health records (EHRs) systems in today’s healthcare landscape cannot be understated. They are essential for patient safety and improving healthcare quality

As data volume grows exponentially, traditional methods of maintaining large files and paper-based medical records have become increasingly challenging for healthcare organizations. Because of its capability to digitize patient information exchange and other clinical and administrative workflows, EHRs play a crucial role in patient safety and improving clinical decision-making and outcomes.

Discover the advantages of using EHR in improving patient care and how it helps practices maintain comprehensive patient records.

Leverage Your EHR to Improve Clinical Decision-Making and Outcomes

EHRs impact providers’ ability to make accurate clinical assessments, including predicting patients’ susceptibility to particular diseases. Here are ways to maximize your EHR software and leverage its features to improve care quality and patient outcomes:

  • Behavioral and Mental Health: EHRs can incorporate information about a patient’s behavioral and mental health, including assessments, therapy notes, and treatment plans. You can address physical and mental health needs by taking a holistic view of patient care..
  • Chronic Disease Management: EHRs support managing chronic conditions by tracking disease-specific metrics such as blood glucose levels for diabetes or lung function for asthma. 
  • Allergies and Adverse Reactions: EHRs document a patient’s known allergies and adverse reactions to medications, foods, or other substances. It helps minimize allergic reactions or adverse events by alerting you and your patients to potential risks.
  • Vital Signs Monitoring: Many EHRs interface with devices that measure and record vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. As a result, real-time monitoring of vital signs allows you to monitor patients’ conditions better and adjust treatment plans accordingly, resulting in improved patient care.
  • Laboratory and Test Results: EHRs integrate with laboratory systems, allowing you to view results such as blood work, imaging reports, and pathology tests. This process enables you to understand test results, which assists in diagnosis and treatment planning.

5 Benefits of EHRs for Enhancing Patient Care

As EHR technology evolves, it’s increasingly becoming a fundamental tool that gives you a broader understanding of a patient’s health. On top of making vital patient information more accessible and comprehensive, here are five other ways EHR systems enhance patient care:

1. Better Coordination of Care

EHR systems can improve care coordination and reduce fragmented care. All providers involved in the patient’s care can easily access and integrate patient health information using EHR technology. For instance, it can alert you when a patient is hospitalized, enabling proactive follow-up.

By using EHRs, you can access accurate and up-to-date information about your patients, which is especially crucial in delivering quality patient care. This technology is particularly beneficial in situations such as:

  • Consulting with several specialists;
  • Getting medical care in emergency settings; and
  • Moving between different care settings.

When information is readily available, you will be aware that another specialist is monitoring your specific patient’s condition. This process prevents unnecessary testing and reduces additional costs.

2. Efficient Workflows

Streamlining workflows through electronic processes leads to enhanced patient care in two ways. First, electronic processes based on specific rules enhance patient care by streamlining information flow. 

Whenever you enter specific information, the system performs related tasks automatically—no need for manual intervention. It reduces the chances of errors and saves valuable time. For example, the EHR system generates a consent form whenever you order a procedure. You and your patients will benefit from this process since it accelerates documentation.

Second, the time-saving benefits of using efficient electronic methods are crucial for enhancing patient care. Studies indicate that doctors spend approximately 16 minutes per patient on charting. A simple and efficient method is, therefore, crucial. By using EHR technology that streamlines charting processes, users can avoid having to switch between multiple screens or pages and work at a more organized pace.

Read more:

3. Greater Level of Efficiency 

EHRs enhance workflow efficiency as they enable centralized management of patient charts, unlike paper records. You can swiftly access patient information from anywhere using specific queries tailored to their conditions. This feature saves time and ensures convenient and prompt access to crucial data. 

Moreover, EHRs facilitate faster and more traceable communication with other clinicians, insurance providers, pharmacies, and diagnostic centers, reducing lost messages and follow-up calls. When it comes to automated scheduling, you can seamlessly track your patients’ progress notes and insurance claims. The importance of electronic health records also lies in this integrated feature which saves time and improves patient care.

4. Makes the Decision-Making Process Easier

The integration of clinical decision-support tools in EHRs eases the cognitive burden. For example, EHRs facilitate follow-up appointments, rescheduling upcoming appointments, and sending patient reminders electronically to their pharmacies. To achieve better EHR outcomes, you must also conduct proper training in your EHR system to ensure it will seamlessly integrate with your existing workflow. 

Furthermore, you can obtain a comprehensive view of a patient’s health using analytics and customizable reports within EHR systems without manually reviewing previous records. With these snapshots, you can deliver more personalized care and minimize cognitive and time demands while gaining valuable insights into a patient’s health.

5. Safer Use of Electronic Prescriptions

Medication errors cause 7,000 to 9,000 deaths every year in the United States. As a healthcare provider, safe medication use is one of your top priorities. To advance medication safety, you need to order medications electronically. With this in mind, you must integrate your EHRs with advanced e-prescribing systems.

Improving patient care is a crucial benefit of e-prescribing. It ensures that prescriptions are clear and readable (legible). EHRs that integrate e-prescribing software can provide an audit trail of all prescribing activities, including when and who prescribed medication. These prescriptions are checked against the patient’s electronic medication record to identify any potentially harmful interactions at the time of prescribing.

This software makes it easier to detect and rectify prescription errors or discrepancies.

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

With the help of EHRs, you can gain a deeper understanding of a patient’s health, which empowers you to make more informed clinical decisions. It’s crucial, though, for EHR systems to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems to optimize software efficiency. This integration not only brings financial and operational benefits but also enables you to deliver more comprehensive and inclusive care to your patients. Thus, you can achieve exceptional patient outcomes with EHRs as your ally.

Over the years, we have assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We provide customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s needs.

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? Feel free to comment below!

The Future of Electronic Health Records: Trends and Predictions

Thursday, May 11th, 2023

In today’s digital age, Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems have become a game-changer for the healthcare industry. Since their initial implementation, EHR systems have come a long way and continue to evolve with each passing day. In fact, many healthcare practices have incorporated EHR into their existing systems, allowing them to streamline their operations and improve patient outcomes. But that’s just the beginning. 

It’s worth noting how far EHR has improved healthcare and what it can do in the future. In this blog post, we explore the pivotal role of EHRs, the trends shaping them, and the predictions of what to expect next.

The Important Role of EHRs

In recent years, many healthcare providers have become increasingly committed to digitizing patient medical records. New technologies incorporated by the EHR industry and the increasing number of patients who wish to access their health records on the go also strongly influence this shift. 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services states that EHRs reduce the incidence of medical errors by improving the accuracy of health records. Furthermore, EHRs have long been considered “future health software” and an effective way to enhance health care delivery. Since EHRs are easy to access and interoperable, doctors and hospitals have opted to use them.

At the same time, EHR adoption benefits patients and healthcare institutions in the following ways:

  • EHRs provide a way for healthcare institutions to lower medical costs, improve patient care, and track patient data.
  • EHRs allow patients to access their medical records to understand their medical history and health conditions better, save time and money, and reduce travel hassles.

(Source: The National Library of Medicine, 2022)

Thus, EHRs are becoming a more integral part of the healthcare system.

Trends Shaping the Future of Electronic Health Records

Since their invention in the 1960s, EHRs have made great strides, but there’s no denying that there’s still plenty of room for growth and improvement.  With technological advancements and changing healthcare needs, EHRs have become more crucial than ever before. So, it’s natural to wonder what the future holds for this innovative technology.  Are you also curious about the future of electronic health records? Let’s explore the latest trends and predictions for the future of EHRs and discover how they’re set to transform the healthcare industry.

Below are the five EHR trends to watch in the coming years, which can offer valuable insight into how EHRs will continue to evolve.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

As artificial intelligence is incorporated into health care systems, physicians can more quickly examine and analyze unstructured patient cases via automation tools. It is an EHR technology that facilitates quick preauthorization of insurance without facing any errors or discrepancies in the process.

Several practices use artificial intelligence to help diagnose patient conditions. Before recognizing an illness, an algorithm must be trained on thousands of examples, just as doctors practice intensely to become proficient.

A study found that AI and machine learning can support precise and personalized diagnosis by leveraging large amounts of patient data. Several companies are experimenting with AI-based voice recognition as an EHR trend.

Read the recent study from two major research teams about using AI machine learning to improve electronic health records (EHRs).

2. Interoperability and Data Sharing

The concept of interoperability in EHR systems defines a unified environment for health data sharing, allowing information systems, devices, and applications (systems) to access, exchange, integrate, and cooperate in utilizing data. Simply, it facilitates patient information sharing between multiple EHR systems and providers. 

Meanwhile, the lack of interoperability between EHR systems leads to poor care quality and waste of resources. That is why the EHR industry and its developers will continue to update EHR systems to comply with interoperability standards. As a provider, you should know that EMRs are less likely to integrate with other systems, unlike EHRs.

In general, EHRs are more capable and can integrate internal record-keeping. The future of EHRs looks bright as the demand for interoperability grows. 

3. Telehealth and Remote Care Monitoring

Telehealth has rapidly evolved with continued advancements in technology and healthcare innovations. The introduction of electronic health records (EHRs) and increased internet access usage have made healthcare more accessible to patients at home.

At the same time, Remote Patient Monitoring is a type of telehealth that uses digital medical devices like weight scales and blood pressure monitors. These devices transmit data electronically to healthcare providers to manage care.

Together, telehealth and EHR technology systems can provide high-quality patient care to patients in remote locations. These technologies can help you achieve the following benefits:

  • Sync insurance information in one place
  • Improve patient-physician communication
  • Enhance the efficiency of virtual care
  • Automate the data entry process

Using telehealth systems lets you access accurate, up-to-date patient information while treating patients virtually.

4. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

Data security is a high priority in the healthcare industry. With healthcare becoming digitized, patient data is vulnerable to cyber threats and breaches

Cybersecurity measures in EHRs prevent unauthorized access to patient data, theft, or tampering. As part of this, use robust authentication protocols, encrypt data at rest and transit, and monitor systems regularly.

Data privacy is equally important to maintain patient trust and confidentiality. Patients have the right to control their health information and know how it is used and shared. It also involves obtaining their informed consent before sharing their data or getting permission to access their data.

As EHR technologies become prevalent, the need for strong cybersecurity and data privacy measures will only increase. It is essential in the age of telehealth when communication and information access are heavily dependent upon digital platforms. Prioritizing patient data security and privacy is one of the EHR trends to build a more effective and trustworthy healthcare system.

5. Patient Engagement 

EHR technology is becoming a vital part of healthcare’s digital transformation. A growing number of patients are using EHR tools such as patient portals to access their medical records, giving them more knowledge about their conditions and encouraging them to participate in their care. In addition, it can improve follow-up for missed appointments and diagnostic tests. With more patients using EHRs, the use of digital health information in health care and research will rise.

Predictions for the Future of Electronic Health Records

Since EHRs are ever-evolving platforms, predicting what is to come is difficult. The future of EHR, however, is surrounded by some speculations. Expect these two things:

1. Data Integration from Wearable Devices

Devices with sensors can measure activity levels, including smartwatches, fitness trackers, and smart goggles. As a healthcare provider, you can remotely monitor high-risk patients’ health by integrating wearable data into EHR systems. 

As a result, patients can receive better care by receiving detailed insights into their day-to-day activities and medication routines. With technological advancement, wearables provide users with several months’ worth of information and enable seamless patient-provider communication.

2. Analytics and Data in Real-Time

Healthcare institutions collect large amounts of patient data. With access to patient health and financial information, vendors can provide physicians with clinical decision support. Using predictive analytics algorithms can help resolve accessibility issues related to interoperability.


As wearable devices and telehealth platforms expand in the coming decades, the future of electronic health records will continue to improve. The healthcare tech sector generally continues to change and adapt due to a changing environment.

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

Over the years, we have assisted podiatrists with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We can customize EMR/EHR software to meet your office needs. 

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice.

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!

The Impact of Electronic Health Records on Healthcare Cost and Efficiency

Thursday, May 11th, 2023

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are integral to modern healthcare systems, providing patients with a higher level of care than ever before. Moreover, EHRs offer users easy access and data security, which are valuable to medical facilities and patients.

Likewise, how are EHRs impacting healthcare costs and efficiency, considering they have transformed how providers gather, store, and share patient data?

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of EHRs, specifically their impact on healthcare cost and efficiency.

Why Are Electronic Health Records Important?

EHR systems store, organize, and manage patient health information, including demographics, medical histories, diagnoses, prescriptions, allergies, and laboratory results. In this way, you can make better-informed decisions about a patient’s care, leading to better outcomes.

According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), EHRs facilitate access to information and streamline clinician work processes. Moreover, an EHR organizes patient data, making it easy to evaluate the patient’s record before and during an appointment. EHR systems benefit you by decreasing the time spent doing paperwork. With this technology, your practice can reduce costs by streamlining routine tasks, reducing errors, and accelerating data entry/access. (Source: SAGE Journal, 2022)

Benefits of EHR Systems

EHR system benefits in healthcare are evident when discussing the importance of electronic health records. As a healthcare provider, the following points below show how EHRs can assist you in providing better healthcare to your patients.

  • Facilitate safe and dependable prescribing practices.
  • Aid in patient diagnosis, minimize medical errors, and improve safety.
  • Offer precise and comprehensive patient health information.
  • Allow fast access to patient records for efficient and coordinated care.
  • Enhance provider productivity and work-life balance.
  • Decrease costs through reduced paperwork, improved safety, fewer duplicated tests, and enhanced health outcomes.
  • Ensure the security and privacy of patient data.
  • Foster communication and interaction between patients and healthcare providers.

Likewise, you can consider these points to be advantages of electronic health records. Having structured data allows sharing of data across multiple healthcare organizations, which is its main benefit. An EHR data structure will enable you to share patient health information across pharmacies, laboratories, imaging centers, specialists, etc.

Impact of EHRs on Healthcare Costs

The benefits of EHRs include integrating clinical decision support (CDS) at the point of care and computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems. With the introduction of decision support systems, EHR systems benefit you by enhancing care quality and reducing healthcare expenditures.

Improves Medication Management 

EHR systems contain safety features that reduce medication errors. With EHR, you can receive alerts regarding allergies which assist you in being aware of the adverse effects of medications when ordering them. This system indeed prevents medical errors and improves patient safety. In addition, EHRs facilitate easier medication management and reduce resource consumption by reducing the number of forms and needless lab orders.

Streamlines Billing and Coding

Billing and coding medical records and insurance information are essential to patient care. Furthermore, a medical biller or coder is responsible for coding patient diagnoses and submitting payment requests to their insurers. But how can they accomplish this quickly and smoothly?

Coders and billers can benefit from EHRs because they reduce the required paperwork. With these systems, your patients and staff will have fewer forms to fill out. It also helps your medical staff focus on providing quality care to other patients. According to a recent study, EHR technology cuts downtime between appointments and pick-ups by speeding up referral and prescription processes.

Saves Physical Storage Space

There is no need for your medical practice to purchase expensive file cabinets, folders, and printer paper and ink. Instead of wasting those funds, you can now improve the quality of care and utilize unused space to buy more medical supplies. Likewise, you can back up all your office’s medical records on a computer hard drive.

The use of EHRs can also reduce transcription costs and reduce malpractice risk by providing better documentation. This system increases formulary compliance and reduces pharmacy callbacks for clarification since prescriptions are easier to read.

Impact of EHRs on Healthcare Efficiency

Your medical staff must no longer sift through paperwork to find patient information. Accessing computerized records with just a few keystrokes is much easier and faster. This time-efficient system benefits both patients and providers.

As a provider, EHRs help you become more efficient by:

  • Enhancing collaboration on patient care with other healthcare providers
  • Automating billing processes through coding applications
  • Maintaining accurate and complete patient records
  • Streamlining the retrieval and filing process of charts

A significant benefit of EHRs is that these systems automate and streamline many healthcare processes. For instance, EHR efficiency will allow healthcare providers to schedule appointments, renew prescriptions, and order lab tests more efficiently. The system facilitates access to patient care plans, medical histories, allergy lists, medication records, and notes, thereby reducing errors. 

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

The EHR systems are progressively becoming more prevalent in healthcare organizations since they assist healthcare professionals in providing quality care. EHRs are playing a vital role in shaping the future of healthcare, mainly because of their positive impact on healthcare efficiency and cost. So, EHRs are more than a technological advancement; these systems are a game-changer for the healthcare industry.

Over the years, we have assisted podiatrists with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We can customize EMR/EHR software to meet your office needs. 

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice.

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!

EMR vs EHR: Know What’s Best for Your Practice

Thursday, May 11th, 2023

Healthcare organizations have long embraced electronic medical records (EMRs) and electronic health records (EHRs) for patient records management. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 85.9% of office-based physicians use an EMR/EHR system, with 79.7% using a certified EMR/EHR system. If you’re a provider looking for solutions to secure patient data, an EMR or EHR is a great choice. However, how will you know which of the two systems is better? The difference between EHR and EMR may seem minor, but it is significant.

This article will explain the difference between EMR and EHR, their benefits, and which is best for your practice.

What Is an Electronic Medical Record (EMR)?

Electronic medical record (EMR) data systems enable clinicians and staff within a healthcare organization to create, gather, manage, and consult health-related records on an individual.

It provides healthcare providers with easy access to up-to-date patient information, reducing errors and delays in treatment. The best EMRs offer patient portals that let patients view their health information and communicate with their primary doctors.

What Is an Electronic Health Record (EHR)?

According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) offer a complete digital version of a patient’s medical history. EHRs can provide all the benefits of an EMR and more. Moreover, the EHR data may contain medical records, vital signs, notes, diagnoses, medications, immunization dates, allergies, and lab results. 

The purpose of an EHR goes beyond the data it contains and how it can be shared with other providers. Access to health information is available instantly to authorized providers across organizations and practices. According to recent studies, EHR systems help you make evidence-based decisions and streamline your workflows.

EMR vs. EHR: What are their differences?

You may use their terms interchangeably as a provider, but it is easy to know the difference between EHR and EMR when comparing the terms “medical” and “health.” EMRs provide a broader perspective of the patient’s medical background, whereas EHR systems offer a more thorough assessment of the patient’s overall health.

It’s important to understand that EMR helps a single practice to manage digital patient charts. The EHR, on the other hand, allows physicians to share records easily, regardless of their location, with other healthcare providers.

Furthermore, EMR enables you to record patient medical treatment details, including test findings and medication orders. With this software, you can generate recurring prescriptions, schedule patient appointments, and manage billing. Besides e-prescribing, EHR software provides communication tools for better collaboration on patient medical care among healthcare professionals.

What Are the Benefits of an EHR and EMR?

Using an EHR/EMR can lead to a better medical experience for every patient in your practice. Since these systems provide crucial data, they can facilitate care coordination across the healthcare system. 

EMRs and EHRs offer a variety of benefits to all medical practices.

Enhances Patient Engagement

In most EHRs, patients have access to their medical records. Meanwhile, paper records can still be difficult to access with EMRs. Patients can benefit from this access if they need some time at home to consider their medical treatment options.

Keeps a Clear Patient Record History

EMR/EHR systems can organize all data chronologically with just a few clicks. With this function, your staff and practitioners can assess a patient’s condition and provide appropriate treatment faster.

Practice Management Software Inclusion

Many EHRs include practice management software capabilities. Implementing a PMS system can simplify many front-office tasks, including scheduling and registering patients. You can also gain direct access to clinical information, improving patient safety

Accurate Speech-To-Text Feature

Both EHR and EMR systems enable speech-to-text features when taking notes during patient visits. It offers numerous benefits, such as more accurate records and efficient billing.

Reliable Digital Records

Medical practices and hospitals are high-volume, emergency-intensive environments with inefficient paper records. EMRs and EHRs provide digital records that solve this problem. Using these systems will reduce paperwork and the likelihood of misplaced medical records.

Secure Data Storage

HIPAA compliance is a top priority for all leading EHR systems. Data security practices for EHR systems comply with federal government requirements. So, you don’t have to worry about breaching a patient’s privacy when you provide comprehensive care.

EMR vs. EHR: Which Is the Best?

Deciding between an EMR and EHR is an important decision that can significantly impact your medical practice’s operations and patient care quality. Despite their similarities, each system has critical differences that make it more suitable for your organization.

EMRs are ideal for smaller practices prioritizing record-keeping and requiring a basic patient information system. Meanwhile, EHRs are best for large healthcare systems that need to integrate patient data across multiple providers, locations, and services.

To help you make an informed decision, here are some frequently asked questions to know if EMR/EHR is the best for your practice:

Can EMR/EHR systems integrate with other software or systems?

EMR/EHR systems can integrate with other software or systems, such as practice management, billing, and third-party applications, using Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Integrating data allows for seamless sharing and reduces duplicate data entry. Thus, it can lead to greater efficiency and accuracy for your practice.

What are the costs associated with implementing EMR/EHR systems?

Implementing EMR/EHR systems varies in cost depending on your organization’s size, software vendor, hardware requirements, and customization requirements. There may be licensing fees, hardware purchases and installations, training, and ongoing support fees.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, EMR and EHR systems offer numerous benefits and can be incredibly useful in managing patient data. However, choosing the two depends on your healthcare organization’s needs. While EMRs primarily focus on clinical data, EHRs offer a more comprehensive view of a patient’s health. 

Evaluating each system’s features and capabilities is crucial to determine which best meets your organization’s goals and requirements. 

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

Are you a healthcare provider trying to decide between EMR and EHR systems? There’s no need to worry because we will provide the best!

Over the years, we have assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We provide customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s specific needs.

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

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EHR Documentation Challenges and Their Impact on Physician Workload

Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
ehr documentation

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Documentation is an efficient way of recording and enables healthcare providers in sharing patient information electronically. It provides a comprehensive overview of a patient’s health, including data such as family history, lab results, medications, and clinical notes. Furthermore, it allows healthcare providers to monitor patient health changes over time and make evidence-based medical decisions.

However, physician documentation challenges are inevitable, especially if the EHR system is at fault. As a result, these issues may lead to EHR and physician burnout, which can be very frustrating. 

Let’s take a look at the EHR documentation challenges and their impact on physician workload.

6 EHR Documentation Challenges and Their Impact on Physician Workload

Most physicians are only aware of the challenges of EHR implementation because it is a complex technological process. However, what about the documentation along with it? 

1. Spending too Much Time on Clinical Documentation

In the US, doctors are overwhelmed with the amount of time they should spend on using EHRs. On average, they spend 16 minutes and 14 seconds using EHRs, primarily for chart review (33%), documentation (24%), and ordering (17%). Well, it’s understandable that physicians may need to spend more time on clinical documentation due to various factors, like lack of training, complex EHRs, higher documentation requirements, and disruptions. Nevertheless, if the electronic medical record documentation has a poor user interface and system design, it may not be efficient and prone to errors.

Unsurprisingly, spending too much time on clinical documentation is a significant problem for doctors in the healthcare system. Not only does it limit the number of patients you can see, but it can also cause other issues. For instance, if you’re stuck in paperwork, you won’t be able to give the patient the attention they need and may miss important details that could lead to errors in diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, this extra documentation time can lead to EHR and physician burnout and fatigue, making you less effective in your job. Healthcare systems must find ways to reduce the amount of time doctors spend on clinical documentation to make sure patient care is up to par.

2. Meaningful Use – Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) And Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) Documentation Requirements That Dramatically Slow Physicians’ Productivity.

As a physician, you always know that MIPS and MACRA documentation requirements require so much time for paperwork and reporting. Moreover, these documents can be challenging to understand and comply with. There are two reasons why:

1. The language used in the MIPS and MACRA documentation requirements is highly technical and hard to comprehend. As a result, you may need help following the proper regulations.

2. MIPS and MACRA documentation requirements are constantly changing — making it challenging to keep up with the latest changes.

Beyond that, if EHR systems aren’t up to the task, doctors could spend more time on clinical documentation and reporting, leading to extra work and exhaustion. Likewise, the requirements may call for physicians to document the same information multiple times, which could create a duplicate effort and needlessly use up resources. This situation leads to EHR and physician burnout.

3. Documenting Clinical Visits for Longer Hours

Physician burnout may result from documenting clinical visit notes for longer hours, which involves your personal time. You may have to extend your working hours for the following reasons:

  • Ensure that the documentation is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. 
  • Document patient visits for billing purposes, as well as for legal reasons. 
  • Provide additional quality patient care, such as discussing treatment options or providing education about illnesses or other health-related topics. 

While all these reasons contribute to quality patient care, using your personal time for EHR documentation is not recommended. If you allow it, it can lead to physician burnout. It takes away valuable time you could spend on self-care, family time, or other activities that reduce stress and improve well-being. The situation may negatively impact your workload and decrease your satisfaction at work.

4. Inefficient EHR Software That Leads to a Lot of Additional Documentation Time.

An inefficient EHR software can cause you to spend more time on clinical documentation because it requires extra steps to find patient information, enter data, and navigate the system. Also, if the electronic medical record documentation system isn’t user-friendly, it can contribute to EHR burnout and frustration. EHR systems can also lead to inefficiencies and errors, especially if they’re outdated or have slow systems. Consequently, EHR software with inefficient performance can delay documentation because of lag times. In this case, you’ll probably need to outsource some of your clinical tasks.

5. The Decline in Patient Focus Due to Documentation Requirements

With the demands of electronic health record (EHR) documentation continuing to grow, staff may spend less time on direct patient care. This situation can be stressful and overwhelming. Moreover, they may be less inclined to engage in meaningful conversations with patients and their families, resulting in lower patient satisfaction. Suppose the EHR system is not designed correctly or implemented; it can add more to the EHR documentation burden and staff frustration, potentially leading to a decrease in the amount of time staff spend on patient care.

Meanwhile, the risk of copying patient notes forward – also known as ‘cut and paste‘ – can significantly affect the accuracy and integrity of electronic health records (EHR). This practice can lead to mistakes and inconsistencies in a patient’s medical history and keeping irrelevant information. It can also make it harder to spot changes in a patient’s condition, which can mean they don’t get the proper diagnosis or treatment and can put them in danger. And it can also increase the risk of fraud and malpractice, as it can be hard to tell who entered which information and when. To prevent this risk, healthcare organizations should have policies and procedures that help detect copied notes in EHR systems.

6. Lack of Training in Electronic Health Record Software

In the absence of proper EHR training, you may experience a few unfortunate outcomes:

  1. Staff not trained to correctly use and document patient information can make medical errors and mistakes.
  2. It can delay care when staff cannot use the system efficiently, negatively affecting patient satisfaction.
  3. It can reduce the efficiency of the healthcare system when staff takes longer to complete tasks because they need to familiarize themselves with the system design, resulting in longer wait times for patients and decreased healthcare efficiency.

Therefore, audits are necessary. Doctors and senior nurses review the medical record in clinical documentation audits to identify clinically implied diagnoses. Its goal is also to identify and correct any errors or inconsistencies in the patient’s EHR and to ensure that the information is helpful for patient care, billing, and quality improvement.

Overall, clinical documentation audits serve to determine compliance with HIPAA and CMS regulations, which can prevent penalties and legal repercussions.

How to Improve EHR Documentation In Healthcare

Since healthcare technology, codes, and communication between providers and coders continue to change, it is essential to improve healthcare documentation continuously. Staying current requires constant communication among all healthcare personnel. Likewise, here are five ways to improve EHR documentation in healthcare:

  • Provide training and support to staff on how to effectively use the EHR system. This process can include training on how to navigate the system, as well as on best practices for documenting patient information. Additionally, practices can provide regular updates and refresher training to ensure staff uses the system correctly and efficiently.
  • Implement a streamlined documentation process. You can capture all relevant information by using templates and providing checklists and reminders. 
  • Establish a quality control system to ensure the Documentation is accurate and complete. You should include regular audits of patient records to identify errors or omissions and give feedback to staff to help them improve their documentation skills.
  • Utilize voice recognition software for your EHR system. It can help streamline the process of documenting patient information and facilitates fast and accurate transcription of patient information into electronic medical records.
  • Offer your staff regular breaks and time off since it’s a great way to prevent burnout and keep them energized and fresh.

In conclusion, accurate and timely reimbursement is the main priority for any healthcare institution or clinic, which is why healthcare documentation improvement is so significant. Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) professionals should dedicate to documenting patient records accurately and completely. Therefore, healthcare providers like you can receive on-time payments.

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

To ensure quality EHR documentation, selecting an EHR that offers customizable applications with template capabilities is essential. The right software can help reduce the frequency of errors and EHR burnout associated with poor documentation practices.

Over the years, we have assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We specialize in providing customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s specific needs.

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!

EHR Visualization Tools That Will Help Different Practices

Monday, February 27th, 2023
ehr visualization tools

Data visualization is a powerful asset in today’s tech-savvy generation run by data! Companies like Amazon and Apple use it to make quick decisions and increase efficiency. Hospitals are also taking advantage of data visualization to present health-related findings and work towards improving costs, effectiveness, and patient satisfaction. Visualizing data helps us make sense of large amounts of information in an easy-to-understand way.

On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted data analytics and visualization tools – it’s pushed us to understand the importance of health tech adaptation, which in turn gives us more digital data to work with. Medical practices are now turning to healthcare data visualization tools to get the most out of the information to make sense of that data.

EHR Visualization Tools That Will Help Your Practice

EHR Visualization Tools are designed to help medical practices leverage the power of their Electronic Health Record data. These tools provide a visual representation of patient records, allowing for easier analysis and reporting of important information. Now get to know these EHR visualization tools that will help your practice!

1. Infographics – Injury and Symptom Imaging

As a healthcare data visualization tool, infographics help provide a clear picture of injuries and symptoms by showing the data in a visual format. Also, these tools can quickly and easily communicate complex information in an easy-to-understand way, such as bars, pie charts, and line graphs.

For example, an infographic can show the number of patients who have reported specific symptoms or injuries over time or the percentage of people with a particular condition in a specific geographic area. With this EHR visualization tool, healthcare professionals can quickly identify trends and patterns in patient data and make informed treatment and intervention decisions.

2. Interactive Software Dashboards

Interactive software dashboards are becoming increasingly popular in visualizing electronic health records (EHRs) to help medical practices. These EHR data visualization tools can help healthcare organizations to gain insight into essential metrics and KPIs quickly. It provides a high-level overview of key values and performance indicators, which can be further explored with analytics tools. Moreover, it can be tailored to show only the most relevant patient data, making it an invaluable asset. As a result, these interactive dashboards reduce human error risk and save time. 

3. Data Collection Forms 

Data collection forms play a crucial role in healthcare data visualization. These forms provide a structured way for providers to collect patients’ data and analyze it to gain meaningful insights. Plus, the information can be turned into visual representations like graphs and charts, making it easier for them to understand complex health information. 

These innovative data visualization tools can help patients better understand their health status and enable providers to make informed decisions about their care. Additionally, by regularly collecting data, providers can track the progress of their patient’s treatment plans over time and make adjustments. Overall, it is possible to integrate these tools into existing software together with data analysis functionality.

The Benefits of Data Visualization in Healthcare

Healthcare data visualization tools make it easier for doctors, patients, and government officials to understand complex data. Below, we’ll define the benefits of data visualization in healthcare.

  1. Improved Decision-Making: Data visualization helps healthcare providers quickly identify trends and patterns in patient data, enabling them to make informed decisions about patient care.
  2. Increased Efficiency: By presenting complex data in a visually understandable format, data visualization tools can help healthcare providers to understand and interpret data quickly, reducing the time and resources required to make decisions.
  3. Better Patient Outcomes: By allowing healthcare providers to track patient health over time, data visualization tools can help identify any changes in a patient’s condition and adjust their treatment plan accordingly, resulting in better patient outcomes.
  4. Improved Communication: Data visualization tools can be used to communicate complex data in an easy-to-understand format, facilitating better collaboration between healthcare providers and improving patient engagement.
  5. Increased Awareness: By visualizing data in a meaningful way, data visualization tools can help to raise awareness of public health issues and improve the public’s understanding of healthcare data.
  6. Better Resource Management: Healthcare providers can make informed resource allocation decisions with data visualization.
  7. Improved Outcome Tracking: Data visualization tools can be used to track and monitor clinical outcome metrics, such as readmission rates, patient satisfaction scores, and treatment success rates. 
  8. Better Population Health Management: By visualizing data on the spread of diseases and viruses, data visualization tools can help public health officials quickly identify outbreaks and take action to prevent the further spread of the disease, improving population health management.

Examples of Data Visualization in Healthcare

Data visualization in healthcare is seen as a cutting-edge technology by many healthcare organizations. Examples of data visualization in healthcare include:

Patient Health Tracking

A line chart that tracks a patient’s vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature, over a specific time. This type of healthcare data visualization helps healthcare providers quickly identify any changes in the patient’s health and adjust their treatment plan accordingly.

Clinical Outcome Metrics

A bar graph displays various clinical outcome metrics, such as readmission rates, patient satisfaction scores, and treatment success rates. This visualization allows hospitals to compare their performance against industry benchmarks and make data-driven decisions to improve patient care.

Epidemic Spread

A map that shows the spread of a disease or virus, such as the flu, over a specified region. The map may also show the number of confirmed cases and deaths and other relevant data such as population density, age groups, and healthcare resources.

How Is Data Visualization Transforming the Healthcare System?

Data visualization is a fundamental aspect of many medical practices, providing a comprehensive view of patient records and other relevant data. By leveraging this technology, healthcare professionals can quickly identify trends, relationships, and insights that are critical for their work. In addition, hospitals worldwide have come to rely on data visualization for various tasks, from patient profiling and recordkeeping to satisfaction surveys and complaint registers.

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

Indeed, EHR Visualization Tools provide healthcare organizations with an easy and effective way to analyze and view patient data. Utilizing these tools will help healthcare organizations maximize efficiency and provide better patient care!

Over the years, we have assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We provide customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s specific needs.

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!

Must-Have Tools for Mental Health EHR Software

Thursday, December 29th, 2022

In every medical practice, an efficient management system is essential. The system ensures that everyone accomplishes their tasks on time —from the doctor’s support to patients receiving quality care, keeping the schedules on track, avoiding lost assignments and information, and collecting payments correctly. In mental health practices, specifically, this is always a struggle.

In that case, you need a software solution that offers all the features of an electronic health record (EHR) while also containing specialty-specific clinical data. Mental health EHR software helps you track and organize patient information specific to the foot, ankle, and lower leg.

For your practice to succeed, you must select or purchase the best behavioral health EHR with the appropriate tools for your practice to succeed.

How to choose the top EHR for mental health?

Make sure your electronic health record (EHR) suits your needs before you choose it. Your organization’s mental health EHR software should be suitable for your operation, so you must select the right software.

For your organization to take advantage of advanced technology, you must consider many features when choosing a mental health EHR or EMR. These features will enable you to transform your EHR from clunky and inefficient into a smoothly functioning system that exceeds your expectations.

Everyone’s needs vary in the mental health field, but the best mental health EHR has a few universal features. Below are some crucial tools that most successful EHRs share:

  • Specific EHR Templates
  • Practice Management Software
  • Integrated Medical Billing
  • Appointment Scheduling Software
  • Easy-To-Use, Intuitive and Attractive Interface

5 Must-Have Tools for Mental Health EHR Software

You should ensure that your mental health EHR software has these five top features before you purchase and implement it. With these tools, you can handle your practice’s issues and reduce staff stress while maintaining service quality.

1. Specific EHR Templates

The best mental health EMR allows you to build order sets and specific templates based on your needs. Moreover, one of the primary benefits of templates is efficiency. Providers can recoup hours of lost time by using optimized and specific EHR templates to streamline their document workflows. As well as saving time, templates can help standardize data capture and ensure complete care.

2. Mental Health Practice Management Software

A practice management software solution streamlines many of your practice’s essential day-to-day tasks by combining several computerized applications. Practices of all sizes, including specialty practices, can use it. There are also PM systems that provide coding tools for mental health practices containing information like:

  • The diagnostic codes for ICD-10-CM are outlined in the current revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification for use in the U.S. (ICD-10-CM).
  • CPT-4® and HCPCS codes of Current Procedural Terminology, fourth edition.

With mental health coding tools in your PM software, identifying the right codes in compliance with federal mandates and deadlines will be easier and more efficient. 

Furthermore, most PM software focuses on financial and office operations. This system typically integrates with the practice’s electronic health record system (EHR), enabling patient profiles in the PM system to exchange information. Ultimately, it improves patient care by enhancing practice efficiency.

3. Integrated Medical Billing

According to a recent study, healthcare billing and coding play a crucial role in a healthcare organization’s financial stability. In the same way, medical billing is integral to getting a healthcare provider paid for their services. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the EMR mandate require medical practices to submit medical billing claims electronically. 

That’s why you need a medical billing software in your EHR that eliminates the hassles of paper-based systems and the hassle of managing claims and payments. These software packages may be expensive, but they can also be a wise investment for your mental health practice.

With mental health EHR software that includes an integrated mental health billing software, you can avoid sending out bills with incorrect or missing authorization information and analyze your finances more effectively. 

4. Appointment Scheduling Software

Providers in mental health practices often have hectic schedules because patients often reschedule, cancel, and make appointments at the last minute.

An EHR appointment scheduling software facilitates scheduling for mental health providers, integrating directly with the EHR system for fast access to patient information. It is essential for your mental health practice, as it helps you maintain a full schedule, maximizing your profit.

On the other hand, the software must be user-friendly so that staff can spend less time learning how it works. It also makes it convenient and quick to verify appointment information at any time, thereby preventing scheduling conflicts and reducing unbillable visits.

With this scheduling software in your EHR, staff can copy and paste the appointment for rescheduling.

  • Create data entry prompts easily
  • Reduce errors and speed up data entry by creating alerts and patient-specific information
  • Hand-held device export of schedules

5. Easy-To-Use, Intuitive and Attractive Interface

User-unfriendly EHRs do not appeal to your staff. As a result, they will need help to use the software effectively. That’s why you need a mental health EMR that is easy to use, intuitive, and solution-oriented.

Your mental health EHR software should simplify documenting an entire clinical encounter without reloading a page. As a result, staff members can spend more time with their patients and can save effort and time. A great EMR should allow users to move through the system efficiently and with as little frustration as possible.

Choose the Top EHR Software 

It’s best not to rush into any major decision. Do your research, educate yourself, and analyze the situation with an open mind. Ask to see demonstrations of your EHR and ensure it meets your practice’s needs for these must-have tools before purchasing it. It is a long-term investment, so you must keep the quality of the experience intact.

Over the years, we have been one of the qualified EMR software providers who assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. Fully Integrated Solutions are available for Podiatry Software Services, Sleep Medicine EHR, and Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) EMR. We got the best EHR for pain management if you want it.

Furthermore, we specialize in providing customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s specific needs. Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!

Importance of a Tailored-EHR in Urgent Care

Thursday, December 29th, 2022

Urgent care clinics are a necessity in today’s healthcare landscape. As the primary care doctor shortage continues to grow, more and more people are turning to urgent care clinics for basic medical needs.

Without an efficient EHR system that offers customizable features tailored specifically for a clinic’s unique patient population and workflow, these facilities are at risk of falling behind their peers who have already implemented such systems.

This blog will detail why EHR systems are important in urgent care.

Importance of a Tailored EHR in Urgent Care Portal

In our healthcare system, urgent care allows patients to get treated when they might otherwise be unable to. Urgent care centers offer treatment for minor injuries, illnesses, and other non-life-threatening situations like sprains, broken bones, etc. 

With growing demand, these clinics need a system that can quickly provide patients with diagnosis and treatment options and document their visit history so they can easily access it later if needed. A tailored urgent care EHR best addresses all these needs. 

Authorized users may also access patient records digitally and update patient records in real-time with EHRs. The records contain information regarding:

  • patient’s medical history
  • allergy information
  • imaging results
  • laboratory results
  • list of medications
  • treatment plans
  • progress notes 

Furthermore, they provide physicians and healthcare providers with tools to assist them in making informed decisions regarding a patient’s health care.

ACA (Affordable Care Act) has greatly impacted the healthcare landscape. As one of its outcomes, EHR software has become a vital component of healthcare delivery. Since 2016, 95% of hospitals eligible for certified health information systems are using them effectively.

Key Benefits of Having Urgent Care Practice Management Software for Health Records

A tailored EHR will give you convenience while also giving you peace of mind knowing that your clinic’s data will be safe and secure. Here are other reasons why EHR is important in urgent care centers: 

Streamlined Workflow & Increased Efficiency

One importance of EHR technology is that it can help urgent care centers improve their workflow and increase efficiency. With this streamlined workflow, you can spend more time on patient care and less on administrative tasks. 

With an EHR system, you can:

  • access your patient’s history easily
  • automate tasks, such as scheduling appointments, billing, generating reports, and filling out forms 
  • reduce errors, and streamlines communication between doctors and staff members.


Because urgent care centers handle many medical issues, they don’t share the same needs as other practices. You can customize an EHR to suit your practice’s specific needs, preferences, and unique workflow. Many types of EHR software features are available for customization, from scheduling, billing, and appointment reminders, to patient engagement and point-of-care documentation.

Better Patient Care

EHR helps you deliver better patient care by improving documentation quality and making reviewing previous notes and orders easier. You can also share information with other medical professionals, allowing them to access all records in real-time. This feature ensures that each team member has the same information to collaborate effectively.

Growth in Revenue

With an EHR system in place, you can eliminate costly mistakes by ensuring that all records are up-to-date and accessible from one secure location. Moreover, EHRs are a great way to increase revenue by increasing billing efficiency with the built in urgent care billing software.


Adopting EHR software eliminates miscommunication between staff members who may have different information about a patient’s condition or treatment plan. It also eliminates errors that can occur when doctors write prescriptions by hand.


EHR systems protect sensitive patient data by encrypting it and storing it in a secure database. This feature protects patients’ privacy and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information. As long as the system is properly maintained and updated with the latest HIPAA standards, a tailored EHR can help prevent unauthorized access or theft of private information.

How Does an EHR Improve the Quality of Care?

A national survey of doctors indicates that 94% report that their electronic medical records are easily accessible at the point of care. In addition, 75% report that their EHR system facilitates better patient care.

With the ability to access patient information anywhere, at any time, urgent care providers can streamline their workflow and eliminate paper-based processes. This situation means that doctors can see patients more quickly, which is vital in urgent care settings where time is of the essence. 

Moreover, EHR systems are also helpful for storing patient information that an urgent team can easily retrieve during an emergency. In the event of a medical emergency or disaster, EHR systems allow medical personnel to access critical patient information.

Here are other ways EHR tools improve the quality of care: 

Enhance patient safety

EHRs can improve patient safety. Patients receive a higher level of medical care when healthcare providers access accurate, complete information. Inpatient errors often result from human error or poor communication between providers and patients. These errors are more likely in urgent care because patients come to urgent care with complex medical histories that require careful coordination among providers across multiple specialties and locations. EHRs enable providers to share information more efficiently to avoid these errors. 

Higher Patient Satisfaction

Electronic health records can help you provide a better patient experience by improving communication between your staff and patients. In addition to streamlining your workflow, EHR implementation also helps increase patient satisfaction by providing them with added comfort and convenience during their visit. Patients often feel more comfortable when they don’t have to worry about remembering everything about their illness or injury because their medical histories are available online through their EHR system. 

They also appreciate being able to view lab results and get prescriptions and other medical information from home instead of waiting until they return for another appointment at the office or hospital again. According to, around 92% were happy their doctor used e-prescribing.

The EHR also makes it easier for patients to schedule appointments, making it less likely that they’ll show up late or miss an appointment altogether. 

Better Preventative Care

Doctors can provide better preventive care by keeping track of what’s happening with each patient’s health over time. With an EHR system, it’s easy to see when a patient is trending toward certain conditions like diabetes or heart disease so that preventative measures can be taken. 

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software

Tailored urgent care EMR & EHR are critical tools for providing quality care. It allows clinicians to document in real-time and track patient progress over time and will enable clinicians to exchange information remotely.  Urgent care centers have many of the same needs as hospitals and private practices when it comes to EHRs — namely, they need software that will allow them to keep track of patients’ medical histories, prescriptions, and billing information.

When finding the right urgent care software, it’s essential to check on customizable features that meet your needs! 

Over the years, we have assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We specialize in providing customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s specific needs.

Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!

How EHR Affect Patient Satisfaction and Retention Rate

Friday, November 11th, 2022

The popularity of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is growing globally. Public health organizations and governments are enhancing technology and innovation to deliver better health services.

In addition, EHR systems are critical to improving patient satisfaction in healthcare. Depending on the system and its implementation, patient satisfaction with the EHR can affect patient retention rates positively or negatively. A good user experience allows doctors to focus on patients instead of paperwork.

This article discusses the impact of EHRs on the quality of care and how they affect patient satisfaction and retention.

What is the impact of EHR on the quality of care?

According to a university study, using EHRs improves the quality of patient care. Having patients access their own EHRs will become a mainstream feature of healthcare systems in the near future.

Additionally, EHRs improve healthcare delivery on many levels, such as:

  • Facilitate diagnosis and claim submission by improving the accuracy of documentation
  • Management of medication in one location and alerts for drug interactions
  • Automated alerts that notify potential risks to begin treatments immediately
  • Easier and more effective integration of evidence-based clinical guidelines
  • Make point-of-care decisions easier by providing more outstanding support
  • Easily track and implement preventive care

As a result, EHRs provide more secure storage and analysis of medical records, allowing you to create reports more quickly, explore trends more in-depth, and control inventory more efficiently.

Meanwhile, the federal government has invested over $30 billion in adopting and implementing EHRs for healthcare practices to improve patient care. Thus, it is essential not to underestimate the importance of EHR at this point.

The 5 Tools on How EHRs Affect Patient Satisfaction and Retention

  1. Patient Healthcare App 

For patients to receive the best possible care, they must be the priority. However, a limited view of their health plan may discourage them from participating in their healthcare journey.

You must integrate a smartphone and tablet-compatible patient healthcare application if this is the case. The app should enable the storing of patient medical records, data management, treatments, and lab results. Patients can easily view and monitor their health records online without visiting the hospital.

By using the app, healthcare providers can deliver care outside traditional settings. Besides improving patient health and retention, it makes you more productive.

  1. Patient Self-Booking Feature 

One of the most common tasks in medical practices is scheduling patients, and it can also affect your success in the long run. However, most patients miss their doctor’s appointments due to busy schedules. Why does this issue occur? Patients can’t attend to their health needs mainly due to work obligations.

According to a survey, almost half of U.S. workers feel stress daily at work, and 60% have felt it more often over the past five years. 

Another concern is that most patients lack transportation, so they rarely go to the doctor—particularly those who live in distant cities and with poor public transit. While elderly patients can ride the subway or bus system, they may have difficulty walking once dropped off.

Therefore, your EHR should have a patient self-scheduling feature to avoid these situations. Optimizing appointment reminder solutions, which detail how long the appointment will last, can help medical facilities better cater to patients’ busy schedules. In addition, people who live long distances can set their schedules anytime and anywhere via the internet.

Generally, online scheduling can increase patient satisfaction and offer greater convenience to practices and providers.

  1. Efficient Check-In Process 

Providing a great patient experience begins with the check-in process. If you still use paper for your patients, this may take too much time, resulting in delayed appointments and crowded waiting rooms. Indeed, current patient check-in processes in medical practices are prone to error & inefficiency. 

That’s why you need an EHR with an automated patient check-in system. It is a system that can benefit staff and patients. For example, front office staff handle patient registration, respond to inquiries, and manage queues. So, it is possible to automate many of these processes, such as routine and after-hours inquiries. 

Meanwhile, it’s also essential to maintain a smooth patient flow. Due to the stacking of appointments, any delay in one can affect all the rest. Automating your check-in process can drastically increase your healthcare practice’s patient satisfaction and retention rate.

  1. Patient Portal

Adopting an EHR with an integrated patient portal is the right choice for hospitals and healthcare practices. With a patient portal, patients can pay their bills online via smartphones. It also eliminates the need to mail paper statements or make phone calls to patients, allowing you to collect payments faster.

Patient portals that allow patients to pay bills online benefit practices financially and improve patient satisfaction and retention rates.

  1. Exchange of Information

The patient portal allows patients to share their EHR patient health information (CCDA File) with specialists or other providers. CCDA stands for Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture. It is a complete architecture that provides a full set of templates and methodologies for creating documents. With its HL7 format, health IT systems and EHRs can process documents while allowing people to access them on mobile devices.

Hospitals, clinics, and regulatory agencies use CCDA. It ensures that any EHR system can read patient records. Thus, providing patients access to their records reduces the time and resources other providers and patients spend searching for documents.

Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

EHRs provide physicians with opportunities to improve their patient care. These five tools for your EHR can check for issues or allergies when prescribing new medications, uncover potential safety problems, and even identify operational issues through alerts and reminders. Get your EHR today!

Over the years, we are one of the qualified EMR software providers who assisted medical practices with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. Fully Integrated Solutions are available for Podiatry Software Services, Sleep Medicine EHR, and Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) EMR. If you want to get the best EHR for pain management, we got it for you.

Furthermore, we specialize in providing customized EMR/EHR software to meet your practice’s specific needs. Schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form for more personalized information. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice!

Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!