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Challenges in Oncology Documentation: Why Specialty EHRs Matter

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024
Doctor using specialty EHR

Navigating cancer treatment is a delicate balancing act, with oncologists juggling chemotherapy cycles, radiation therapy, and detailed imaging results—all while maintaining precision and accuracy.

As a healthcare provider committed to delivering the best possible care, generic electronic health record (EHR) systems can hinder your efforts with inefficiencies. These systems often fall short in oncology, struggling with specialized terminology, intricate treatment plans, and the need for seamless collaboration among specialists.

Specialty-specific EHRs, however, are designed to meet these unique demands. They offer tailored features that streamline workflows and improve accuracy. With advanced tools for data analysis, compliance, and integration, these EHRs enable you to provide exceptional care more efficiently.

Let’s take a closer look at why specialty EHRs are a game changer for oncologists like you.

Transform Your Oncology Practice Specialty-Specific EHRs

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Challenges in Oncology Documentation

Documenting oncology electronic medical records (EMR) is like working on a complex puzzle, where every piece needs careful attention and understanding from healthcare providers.

As oncologists, you face numerous complexities, including:

Chemotherapy Cycles

    From recording the specific drugs administered to tracking dosages and any adjustments based on how patients respond—this meticulous documentation ensures treatment lcontinuity, patient safety, and risk management.

    Radiation Treatments

    Documenting radiation therapy involves capturing exact details like treatment areas, delivered doses, and techniques (e.g., IMRT, brachytherapy). This meticulous record-keeping facilitates accurate treatment planning and enables ongoing assessment of patient responses and treatment efficacy.

    Imaging Results

    Clear and detailed documentation is crucial for imaging modalities such as MRI, CT, and PET scans. It guides the formulation of optimal treatment strategies and facilitates effective disease monitoring over time.

    Patient Consultations

    Recording patient consultations entails summarizing discussions on treatment options, risks, benefits, and patient preferences. It emphasizes the importance of obtaining informed consent and providing continuous support to patients and their families throughout their healthcare journey. 

    Why Generic EHRs Fall Short

    doctor using generic EHR

    Although versatile, generic EHR systems often encounter challenges when handling detailed oncology data. These limitations can lead to inefficiencies, inaccuracies in patient records, and hindered coordination of care, ultimately impacting the quality of cancer treatment and patient outcomes.

    Let’s delve into the challenges your fellow oncologists encounter when managing oncology electronic health records.

    Comprehensive Data Capture

    Oncologists document a wide range of information—from specifics about tumors like size and location to genetic test results and how patients respond to treatment. Accurately recording this information is crucial for making well-informed decisions about patient care.

    Treatment Complexity

    Cancer treatment often involves multimodal therapies, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies. Coordinating and documenting these treatments accurately is vital to avoid medication errors and ensure patient safety.

    Longitudinal Care Coordination

    Patient management can extend over months or even years and involves multiple specialists and healthcare settings. Maintaining clear and consistent records ensures that all healthcare providers involved in a patient’s care have access to the information they need, promoting seamless care transitions.

    Regulatory Compliance

    Oncology practices must adhere to stringent regulatory requirements, such as those outlined by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer (CoC). Specialty EHRs designed for oncology can help automate compliance tasks and ensure documentation meets regulatory standards.

    Clinical Research and Trials

    Many cancer care facilities participate in clinical research and trials. Oncology EMR systems that support structured data capture and integration with research databases are essential for facilitating participation, tracking outcomes, and ensuring compliance with study protocols.

    As an oncologist, you know it’s more than just paperwork—it’s about having precise and efficient documentation that enhances patient care and drives advancements in cancer treatment. A specialty EHR can streamline your workflow, boost data accuracy, and improve patient outcomes.

    Benefits of Specialty-Specific EHRs

    Oncology EHR software provides tailored solutions to address the unique challenges oncologists face. These systems come equipped with oncology-specific templates, terminology libraries, and workflows that facilitate accurate documentation of treatment details. 

    Here are some key advantages of top oncology EHRs:

    Structured Data Templates

    Specialty EHRs include customizable templates specifically designed for oncology workflows. These templates standardize data capture and ensure comprehensive documentation of all relevant information.

    Integrated Decision Support

    Oncology EHRs often include clinical decision support tools that provide evidence-based treatment recommendations, drug interaction alerts, and reminders for follow-up care. These features enhance patient safety and support oncologists in making informed clinical decisions.


    Effective communication and data exchange between different healthcare providers and systems are crucial in oncology care. Specialty EHRs support interoperability standards, enabling seamless sharing of patient information across care settings while maintaining data security and privacy.

    Efficiency and Productivity

    By automating routine tasks, such as documentation and coding, specialty EHRs reduce administrative burdens and allow oncologists like you to spend more time on direct patient care. Streamlined workflows contribute to improved practice efficiency and staff satisfaction.

    Analytics and Reporting

    Oncology EHRs offer robust reporting and analytics capabilities that enable practices to analyze clinical outcomes, monitor performance metrics, and participate in quality improvement initiatives. These insights support evidence-based practice and continuous quality improvement.

    Reshaping Oncology Care with Specialty EHRs

    doctor using oncology EHR software

    Choosing the right electronic health record system is crucial for oncology practices striving to provide high-quality care. Specialty EHR systems designed for oncology streamline data capture, ensure compliance with regulatory standards, and support clinical research efforts. These systems also support vital clinical research efforts, facilitating data integration and analysis crucial for advancing treatment protocols.

    By investing in these tailored systems, your practice can enhance efficiency, improve patient outcomes, and advance the field of cancer care through comprehensive, well-documented records and informed decision-making.

    Tap Into Our Expertise

    Are you curious how specialized oncology EHR software can take your practice to the next level? Explore our oncology IMS, designed to streamline patient data management with customizable templates and intuitive interfaces. Our specialty EHR integrates scheduling, billing, and administrative tasks into one platform, freeing up more time for patient care.

    Elevate your practice with over 400 customizable reports that help you make smarter decisions and enhance patient outcomes. Our EHR software is custom-built for oncology, perfectly aligning with your practice’s unique needs.

    Experience the benefits IMS offers by calling (480) 782-1116 or filling out this form. See how our high-quality, specialty-specific EHR system can enhance your practice’s efficiency and performance.

    Harness the Benefits of Oncology-Specific EHR

    Schedule Your Consultation Today!

    EMR and EHR Problems and How to Solve Them

    Thursday, June 9th, 2022

    Several practices have adopted Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software over the past few years, and they have become highly essential in healthcare today. EMRs give physicians the data and tools to care for patients more efficiently when appropriately used. 

    Although it helps thousands of health clinics operate properly and progress, it also causes problems. For example, how an EHR is designed, customized, or configured is harmful to patients.

    In this article, we will discuss EMR and EHR problems and how to solve them.

    Problem #1: Data Entry

    Hard stops” are a problem regarding data entry in physician workflows. 

    During doctor-patient interaction, there are pauses to document a visit using a computer. To write a clinical note on a keyboard, you need to focus on a computer screen for some time, directly proportional to the notes’ length and details. It may also be difficult or impossible for clinicians to enter EHR data appropriately, resulting in a loss of quality in clinical documentation.

    Apply these two solutions:

    • Reduce Data Redundancy

    The regular revision of forms and reviewing of the entire process, including forms, data, information, and documents, reduces data redundancy. Getting rid of redundant data will eliminate errors creeping into the system.

    • Upgrade Your Systems

    For data management processes to run smoothly, updating the infrastructure and technologies is essential. Technology upgrades and automation will help you stay on top of the competition. Data entry operators must know how to enable tools to enhance technology and tool functionality whenever necessary.

    Problem #2: Standardized Patient Identifiers Across HIEs!

    The lack of a National Patient Identifier (NPID) is a major barrier to true interoperability in EHRs. This alphanumeric code would uniquely identify patients within a health register or EHR. However, Congress repealed it because of privacy concerns.

    When EHRs are the primary repositories and means of accessing patient and health data, their inability to match patient records across and within healthcare provider settings is a big issue. Thus, many problems will arise, including inflation of healthcare costs and suppression of health outcomes. 

    You can solve this through:

    • Blockchain for NPID

    Blockchain for interoperability is becoming more prevalent to provide a single source of truth for PHI. It is a decentralized technology that enables secure information storage and transfer and could be the foundation for creating the NPID because of:

    • It uses public-key infrastructure (PKI) for centralized identification.
    • A way for digital access rules and immutable logs
    • A provenance for and a capability to provide audit trails. This also reduces the risk of data loss in the case of malicious actors.

    Problem #3: Training New Staff for EMR and EHR Usage Can Be Difficult

    Training your staff to use EHR software correctly can be done in various ways. However, organizing EMR training sessions is difficult due to the amount of work your employees have to do every day. In addition to that, the program may overwhelm them so much that they cease to care about it.

    So, what are some possible solutions?

    • First, you can hire someone to train everyone in the same way by focusing on standard processes in your practice.
    • Secondly, you can divide your staff into groups to train them to use only the features that are relevant to their roles. The leaders in your organization could receive more training in tutorials, seminars, and one-on-one sessions to become “super users” capable of helping and even training others.
    • Third, you can choose key employees who can dedicate time and energy to getting to know all about EMR.

    Problem #4: EHRs and EMRs Don’t Fit With Clinical Workflow

    Despite careful planning and implementation, medical institutions may find that EMR systems do not meet their needs. Think of a scenario in which you have invested a large amount of money in the technology but haven’t been able to utilize it to its fullest potential. However, you can avoid this problem if you plan more thoroughly ahead.  

    Try these two resolutions to ensure smooth EMR and EHR workflow:

    • Start an EHR Optimization Project.

    EHRs rarely work the first time. After using new technology for a while, a practice leader might detect inefficiencies. He could then take action to improve them.

    For EHR optimization to be successful, a practice must pull together a technology and workflow experts team. They can devise new technological fixes to meet the workflow objectives and set goals for the project. Therefore, the critical aspect of leveraging technology to enhance clinical workflow is EHR optimization. 

    • Proper Demonstration of EMR/EHR Software Vendors

    So, consider asking potential vendors to demonstrate EMR in-depth instead of making a hasty decision. You should also let your doctors and staff try out the software and provide feedback before you buy it.

    While there are many obstacles regarding EMR and EHR software, you can overcome them with proper planning and strategic execution. So, physicians should be aware of these safety and usability problems when using EMRs and EHRs in their practices.

    Choose the Top EMR/EHR Software 

    Over the years, we have assisted podiatrists with EHR/EMR selection, implementation, and software usage. We can customize EMR/EHR software to meet your office’s needs. 

    For more personalized information, schedule a demo or contact us through the contact form. Let’s work together to find the best software for your practice.

    Do you have a favorite EHR add-on service? You are free to comment below!

    EHR for Community Health Centers: Adoption Barriers & Implementation Strategies

    Thursday, October 31st, 2013

    Community health centers and federally qualified health centers (FQHC) serve more than 20 million patients each year, according to data from HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration. They provide medical care to uninsured and underinsured populations, to patients who rely on public health programs for assistance, and to those living in medically underserved parts of the country. These health centers are integral to the nation’s healthcare system, yet they often lack the resources to adopt new technologies that can improve care quality and patient safety, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

    Electronic medical record software is one technology that can help FQHCs further their commitment to providing high-quality patient care. An EMR for community health centers can make it easier to integrate clinical, financial and administrative information; it can help improve health outcomes; and it can facilitate administrative processes. Despite this, health centers are slower to adopt EMR systems than other providers.

    Barriers to Adoption

    There are several reasons why health centers lag behind other organizations in adopting EMR systems. Some of the factors providers cite most include:

    • A lack of funds
    • Concerns about loss of productivity or income
    • Inability to integrate the EMR with the center’s billing system
    • Software does not meet the center’s reporting needs

    Implementation Strategies

    Despite these roadblocks, it is possible for community health centers to purchase and implement an EMR – and many more are doing so. In order to prepare for implementation, health centers should first ask themselves why they need an EMR and whether their organization is ready for one. They should then conduct extensive research into costs, EMR requirements, preparation time, and whether to seek outside help for the implementation process.

    The next step is selecting an EMR and making sure that it meets the health center’s needs. This should be done after the organization has identified the functions that are crucial to their center and the software systems that will need to interface with their new EMR.

    Health IT consultants can be beneficial for the installation and initial setup phase, and many technicians may even work for a reduced fee in order to accommodate the health center’s budget. Physician can look for IT technicians working with Regional Extension Centers, in addition to federal grants and funding that can assist with the adoption of an EMR.

    IMS EMR for Community Health Centers

    Due to our unique approach to EMR software for FQCHs, providers working a health centers nationwide are able to improve care delivery and make a significant difference in the lives of their patients. Our EMR solution is cost-effective, easy to learn and use, and designed specifically with community health centers in mind. In fact, community health centers that use our EMR achieve improvements in patient care through:

    • Real-time access to patient information
    • Better care coordination across multiple sites
    • Improved chronic disease and medication management
    • Enhanced quality assurance
    • Health information exchange capabilities

    Interested in learning more about our EMR for community health centers and FQHCs? Contact us online or call 480-782-1116 to request more information.