Mental Health Electronic Medical Records
Therapists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals must be able to organize and manage important patient information both quickly and accurately. Our electronic medical records system is fully-integrated into a full-featured intelligent management system (IMS), specifically designed for mental health specialists and staff.
The result of extensive research into the needs of mental health practitioners, our software comes installed with mental health billing codes, templates, pre-printed letters and forms, and other useful features that make the transition to a paperless office quick and easy.
IMS for mental health providers is a robust system that includes mental health record management, billing, scheduling, appointment reminders, fax management, and so much more.
With our mental health EHR software, your practice can:
- Improve workflow and increase efficiency
- Secure important patient documents
- Reduce data entry errors
- Improve cash flow through improved billing methods
- Provide better patient satisfaction
Our EHR software allows for a a high level of customization throughout each module. We offer installation assistance, EHR setup, training, and expert technical support.
Mental Health EMR Security Features
Mental health electronic health records (EHR or EMR) need to be secure, and they should be easy to access when required. We have included several privacy and security features in our EMR software that provide protection that is not available with paper records.
- Prevent unauthorized users from accessing files by requiring password authentication
- Log users out of the system after a specified period of inactivity
- Keep automatic detailed logs, including who accessed files, when they were accessed, and what was changed
- Create backups quickly and easily
Mental Health Practice Management Software
Our mental health practice management software is the industry leader for mental health specialists because of its thoughtful integration with essential office management modules. No other software is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the mental health profession. Improve efficiency and accuracy with an integrated system that includes billing, scheduling, electronic medical records and other practice management features - all in one system.
Mental Health Billing Software
Insurance payments are often delayed or rejected due to incorrect billing codes and other data entry errors, resulting in lost money for your practice. Our mental health billing module is designed to make the billing process more efficient by improving the charge capture process and using various authorization methods to ensure that data is correct.
- Supports primary and secondary electronic claims, CMS-1500, and UB04 claims
- Pre-populated mental health billing codes
- Use the Quick Bill screen to post all electronic Super Bills with one click
- Create customized CMS-1500 templates based on insurance guidelines
- Print patient and insurance statements and export them to ENS, Bill flash, etc.
- View Batch Status summaries
- Track unpaid claims using and easily re-bill them
- Run built-in reports or create custom ones that meet the needs of your practice
Mental Health Scheduling Software
Patient scheduling is made much easier and more efficient through our mental health scheduling software. Using our scheduling software, you and your staff can:
- Pull patient information from pre-existing patient health records
- Reduce redundant data entry errors
- Reschedule patient appointments easily using copy-and-paste
- View authorization and referral statuses at any time to prevent un-billable appointments
- View schedules for multiple offices at once
- Export schedules to Windows-CE-based handhelds
- Use built-in Interactive Voice Response technology (automated patient appointment reminders)
- Allow patients to view their scheduled appointments via the online Healthcare Portal