Psychiatry EMR Software
The psychiatry electronic medical record (EMR) software comes fully integrated with indispensable management features like medical billing, an appointment scheduler, and more. The software comes pre-populated with medical billing codes (including codes specific to psychiatry) that will help prevent billing code errors and improve time management. The software comes delivered to your clinic with built-in templates, pre-printed letters, forms and other features that cater to the unique needs of a psychiatry practice.
Our EMR is built in collaboration with working psychologists and staff to make sure that it is flexible enough to meet the unique needs of any practice, while including features that will make work easier. Our EHR and office management software strikes the perfect balance between user-friendliness and advanced features with a lot of flexibility.
We are committed to providing total solutions to meet the growing needs of the psychiatric health community. Our software caters to your specific needs and will help you:
- Improve document management
- Reduce time spent performing redundant data entry
- Improve clinic workflow by improving inter-office communication
- Make information easily available through a single electronic system
- Increase your cash flow by improving patient care, reducing claim rejections, decreasing patient no-shows and more
EMR for Psychiatry Practice
Switching to an electronic medical record system offers several opportunities to improve the efficiency and security of your record management. Psychology medical records are easy to access for authorized users and includes security features that will provide file security that is not available to paper records. The EHR software is also fully integrated with other office modules to allow authorized users quick access to stored information, dramatically improving office efficiency.
- Prevent unauthorized users from accessing files by requiring password authentication
- Log users out of the system after a specified period of inactivity
- Keep automatic detailed logs of access files including who accessed them, when they were accessed, and what was changed.
- Create backups quickly and easily
- Allow your patient health records to be quickly accessed via other integrated office modules, reducing staff time retrieving and filing documents and reducing redundant data entry
Psychiatry EHR Software Features
Tasks and Reminders
A psychiatrist's work is a demanding job with a busy schedule that requires excellent time management. Our EMR software includes a simple tasks and reminders feature that will help you and your staff follow-up on patient care and important office tasks.
Authorizations and Referrals
Avoid wasted money and time spent trying to collect on rejected claims. Avoid mistakenly performing unbillable appointments. Our software verifies authorizations at check-in and before posting charges. The software also comes with pre-printed authorization forms that help reduce data entry errors and missing information that can often result in delayed or rejected claims.
Document and Image Management
Manage your office and patient documents more efficiently without taking up physical space in your clinic. Our IMS software makes document management a breeze by allowing you to effortlessly save and organize letters, visit notes, faxes, lab results, prescriptions, and more.
Fax Integration
Even fax management can go electronic these days, saving paper and ink while making document management even easier. The fax module allows faxes to be electronically stored in a patient's health record. Faxes can be faxed, printed or emailed to third parties. Use security features like an electronic stamp or signature to fax prescription requests, and more.
Psychiatry Prescriptions
It is crucial to make sure your prescriptions are accurate, as errors can be costly, time-consuming and dangerous for patients. We built our prescription module to help provide accurate solutions, while making prescription management faster and simpler.
- Send prescriptions automatically to a patient's desired pharmacy
- Create templates for frequently-used prescriptions
- Track patient prescription history
- Provide drug education
- Check dosing, allergy, drug interaction, etc.
Psychiatric Reports
The built-in reports tool allows users to gain insight into their practice's operations, providing psychiatrists and staff with useful information to make better decisions on behalf of the office. The psychiatric report software contains over 100 options that allow you to view general summaries and detailed overviews of your entire practice. You can also create custom reports of your own.
Psychiatry-Specific Letters
Writing letters is an integral aspect of just about every psychiatric practice. That's why it is so important to make sure that your letter system allows you to produce accurate letters in a timely manner. Our software creates letter writing solutions that make it easier to create, send and manage letters.
- Works with patient health records, billing and other modules to pre-populate patient specific information into letters
- Letters can be faxed, printed or emailed to third parties, such as insurance companies
- Use built-in templates or create your own custom templates
- Have letters automatically sent to a patient's electronic health record
Psychiatry Practice Management (PMS)
Our psychiatry practice management software is the industry leader among psychiatrists because of its thoughtful integration with essential office management modules. No other software is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of psychiatry practices with pre-populated templates, forms and other commonly used office documents. Integrating billing, scheduling, electronic medical records and other practice management features into one system greatly improves efficiency and accuracy.
Psychiatric Billing Software
Our psychiatry billing software comes pre-populated with industry-specific billing codes that make the billing process much faster and easier. Save money on reduced claim rejections through the software verification checks. View unpaid claims and easily re-bill them. View reports that summarize your practice's billing trends and details.
Psychiatry Appointment Scheduler
Psychiatrists have hectic schedules, with patients often rescheduling, canceling and making new appointments. Our scheduling software helps prevent scheduling conflicts and reduces unbillable visits by making it quick and easy to view authorization and referral status and verify important appointment information. We've also designed our software to be user-friendly so that you and your staff can learn how to use it quickly.
- Easily create data entry prompts
- Create alerts and add patient-specific information
- Reschedule patient appointments by simply copying and pasting
- Export schedules to hand-held devices
- And much more!