
EMR Software for Multiple Specialties IMS For Multi-Specialty Clinics

Customizable electronic medical record software providing solutions for Multiple Specialties
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Multi Specialty EMR Software

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Our electronic medical record (EMR) software is one of the most trusted specialty healthcare products in the market today. It integrates with robust medical billing, scheduling and practice management modules and is built to be highly customizable and flexible, able to meet the unique needs of different medical specialties.

The multi-specialty EMR software is easy to use and has an intuitive interface. It comes delivered with specialty-specific data and is supported by excellent support services, including training, installation services, and technical support.

This software is designed to produce tangible solutions to your medical specialty, including improving time management, patient satisfaction, document management, cash flow increases, and so much more.

Benefits of EHR

  • Improve clinic workflow
  • Decrease data entry errors
  • Reduce office management tasks
  • Improve patient health records security
  • Provide better patient service and care
  • Retrieve patient records more quickly
  • Create easy, thorough data backups

EMR Integration

An electronic medical record system is an enormous benefit to medical clinics, and our EMR software goes a step further. The medical records software is fully integrated with other crucial office management modules so that data is easy to access by all authorized users. When scheduling new appointments, for example, patient-specific data can be pulled from pre-existing health records, saving time and reducing data errors.

Patient electronic health records are also integrated into the billing module so that billing data is correct, reducing costly errors and claim rejection due to inaccurate or missing information.

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Multi Specialty Healthcare Portal

Integration with our online healthcare portal allows patients to access most of their own health record information from any device with Internet access. This improves patient satisfaction and allows patients to participate more actively in their own healthcare. It also saves staff time by allowing patients to update their own information.

Medical Records Security

The security of medical records is a huge priority for all healthcare specialties. Transitioning from paper to electronic health records creates a lot of opportunities to enhance the security of your patient records. Our software has various verification errors, for example, to prevent inaccurate data from being saved to a person's file. Data back-ups are also very easy to do, decreasing the risk of losing patient data in the event of a fire or other accident.

  • Use password authentication to create authorized users
  • Block unauthorized users from accessing certain files
  • View logs that record the details of which files were accessed, by whom, when, and what changes were made
  • Log users out of the system after a specified period of inactivity

Practice Management Software for Multiple Specialties

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Our practice management software is the industry leader for practices with multiple specialties because of its seamless integration with essential office management modules, like billing, scheduling and electronic medical records. The software comes with hundreds of pre-populated templates, forms, and other commonly used office documents. Improving accuracy and efficiency has never been so easy.

Appointment Scheduling Software for Multiple Specialties

Doctors and specialists have hectic schedules, and clinic's that manage multiple specialties need to be able to manage those schedules easily. Our user-friendly scheduling module will help prevent scheduling conflicts and reduce un-billable visits by making it quick and easy to view authorization and referral status at any point in time.

  • Easily create data entry prompts
  • View multiple schedules on one screen
  • Reschedule appointments easily with copy-and-paste
  • Create alerts and enter patient-specific information
  • Export schedules to hand-held devices
  • And much more!

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