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Key Features to Look for in an EHR for Multi-Specialty Clinics

Thursday, May 30th, 2024
multi-specialty EHR

Imagine a patient struggling with sleep due to breathing issues, seeking a diagnosis that might require the expertise of both pulmonologists and sleep specialists. Multi-specialty clinics make this journey seamless, offering coordinated care under one roof.

The patient could start by seeing the pulmonologist, who records the symptoms and visit notes in their EHR. During the appointment, the pulmonologist might decide to refer the patient to a sleep medicine specialist and order a sleep study. The sleep specialist would have instant and direct access to the information gathered by the pulmonologist. This convenience is one of the biggest advantages of multi-specialty clinics.

However, even in these clinics, the process might not always be perfect because not all EHR systems are created equal. Some systems are better suited for multi-specialty practices, so it’s essential to find the multi-specialty EHR software that best aligns with your clinic’s needs. 

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Challenges in Managing Patient Data in Multi-Specialty Clinics

Each specialty generates detailed patient records, so managing this large volume of data is crucial while ensuring accuracy and accessibility. An EHR system can help effectively consolidate test results, treatment plans, and follow-up notes from multiple specialties.

Also, different specialties use specific terminologies, coding systems, and clinical protocols. Harmonizing these within a single multi-specialty EHR system requires advanced customization to ensure that each specialty can operate efficiently without compromising the usability of the shared records.

Need for Coordinated Care

Patients often require coordinated care plans involving multiple specialties. For example, a patient with a chronic respiratory condition might need care from a pulmonologist, a sleep specialist, and a physical therapist. Your EHR system should be able to facilitate seamless integration of these care plans to avoid conflicting treatments and ensure comprehensive care.

Lastly, efficient scheduling is essential to manage appointments across various specialties without overlaps or excessive wait times. The EHR software should offer advanced scheduling tools that coordinate appointments based on specialists’ availability.

Essential Features of Multi-Specialty EHRs

Electronic health records and electronic medical records (EMRs) provide numerous benefits to clinics. However, for multi-specialty clinics where coordinated patient care is a focal point, specialists rave for a slightly different set of multi-specialty EMR software features.    

Case management should be a top feature on your checklist. Clinics use this tool to efficiently track and manage patient care across multiple specialties. With case management, you can maintain a detailed log of all patient visits across various specialties, including the date and time, the specialty consulted, the clinician involved, and the purpose of the visit.

Each visit is summarized within the EHR, providing a snapshot of the patient’s condition, diagnosis, and treatment during that visit. This ensures that all relevant patient information is easily accessible for future reference.

Many Specialties, More Features

While we already discussed the amazing benefits that a proper case management module could provide, that’s far from the only feature that you should be on the lookout for in your multi-specialty EMR software:

1. Clinical Documentation

EMR and EHR systems facilitate communication and continuity of care by storing detailed patient information, including medical histories, test results, treatment plans, and ongoing care notes from various specialties. 

2. Patient Registration and Scheduling

When patients visit the clinic first, their personal information, insurance, and medical history are entered into the system. The EMR system allows staff to schedule, reschedule, and manage appointments across multiple specialties, ensuring no conflicts.

3. Interoperability 

EHRs in multi-specialty clinics are often interoperable with other healthcare systems and laboratories, allowing seamless sharing of diagnostic results, referrals, and medical records critical for making informed decisions during consultations and treatments.

4. Specialty-Specific Templates

EHR systems offer specialty-specific templates and tools to streamline clinic documentation. For example, physical therapists use tools to document rehabilitation progress, speech therapists have templates for speech and language assessments, and occupational therapists utilize templates for daily living skills evaluations.

6. Analytics and Reporting

An EHR software provides powerful analytics tools to analyze patient data, which is valuable for improving patient care, managing resources, and meeting regulatory requirements. This platform also generates reports required for compliance with healthcare regulations, such as Meaningful Use and MACRA.

7. Billing and Claims Management

A built-in multi-specialty billing software allows EHRs to streamline billing processes by combining the specialties’ billing and coding systems. This feature ensures accurate coding for diverse services provided across specialties and efficient claims management.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Choosing an EHR

EHR for clinics

As a multi-specialty clinic, you can choose an EHR system that enhances efficiency and improves patient care if you know the common pitfalls of EHR selection and take proactive steps to address them. 

1. Overlooking Customization

It’s important to be cautious of healthcare documentation systems that adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. An EHR system that you can’t tailor to accommodate your specialties’ unique workflows and requirements can potentially hinder efficiency.

2. Ignoring User Feedback 

An EHR system that is not user-friendly can lead to frustration and decreased productivity among clinicians and staff. Prioritize systems with intuitive interfaces and workflows. Consider feedback from clinicians and administrative staff to check if the platform aligns with your daily needs and challenges.

3. Failing to Plan for Implementation

A poorly managed implementation process can disrupt clinic operations and lead to significant downtime. Develop a complete implementation plan that includes timelines, responsibilities, and contingency plans. Ensure the EHR vendor provides robust support during and after implementation.

Benefits of Investing in a High-Quality EHR System

Investing in a high-quality EHR system offers multi-specialty clinics significant returns on investment through:

Improved Billing: Seamless integration with billing systems minimizes administrative overhead and reduces the time spent on billing-related tasks, allowing staff to focus on patient care.

Streamlined Workflows: Efficient sharing of patient information among different specialties improves coordination and reduces delays.

Cost Savings: An EHR system provides a comprehensive view of patient history and previous tests, helping avoid redundant tests and procedures and reducing unnecessary expenses.

Enhanced Data Management: A centralized electronic system ensures that all patient data is easily accessible to authorized personnel, improving information accuracy and reducing the risk of data loss.

Better Health Outcomes: EHR systems can track and flag critical health metrics, enabling providers to intervene early and manage chronic conditions more effectively.


EHR systems for clinics

A robust EHR system unifies clinical, administrative, and financial operations. Multi-specialty clinics that invest in these integrated platforms benefit from enhanced care coordination, which ensures long-term success and paves the way for delivering exceptional patient care.

Tap Into Our Expertise

Ready to streamline your multi-specialty clinic’s operations? 1st Providers Choice offers customized EMR systems with built-in templates for over 30 specialties, advanced scheduling tools, and comprehensive practice management. 

For over 40 years, we’ve been the trusted partner for multi-specialty clinics looking to improve efficiency and patient care. Contact us for a free quote or schedule a demo to see our system in action. 

39th Annual ASRA Pain Medicine Meeting to Feature 1st Providers Choice as Pain Management EHR Exhibitor

Friday, March 14th, 2014

Anesthesiologists, pain medicine professionals, and pain management EHR vendors will be congregating in Chicago, IL this year from April 3-6 for the 39th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting. Hosted by the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, the meeting is set to cover interesting topics, provide innovative teaching opportunities, and give providers unsurpassed access to industry experts.

The meeting is a highly anticipated event for pain medicine professionals, as it provides informative educational sessions, great networking opportunities, and access to dozens of pain medicine software vendors. 1st Providers Choice will be exhibiting their Pain Management EHR software and Anesthesiology EHR software at the conference in Booth #215.

ASRA 2014

Healthcare professionals attending the spring meeting will be taking active roles in workshops, refresher course lectures, and PBLD sessions. Because of its outstanding popularity during the fall meeting, the simulation-based crisis management and ultrasound-guided perineural catheter insertion workshop will be available to all participants.

Other new and special session workshops for the spring meeting include:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Regional anesthesia in the era of the Affordable Care Act
  • Prevention of acute to chronic pain
  • Risk factors for neurologic injury

A portion of the meeting will also be devoted to the highly anticipated update of the ASRA Anticoagulation Consensus Statement, which addresses the new oral anti-thrombotic and anti-platelet agents. To learn more about the annual meeting, click here.

Will you be in Chicago next month for the conference? Don’t forget to stop by Booth #215 to learn more about our EHR software for pain medicine and fully integrated ICD-10 ready practice management solution.

1st Providers Choice Joins Pain Management EHR Exhibitors at ASRA Fall Meeting

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

ASRAPain medicine experts and pain management EHR vendors alike will be descending on Phoenix, Arizona this year, from November 21 to 24, for the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine’s annual meeting. The 12th annual scientific and educational event will provide a variety of opportunities for attendees to network with other physicians while learning about new and innovative pain management practices and techniques.

Healthcare professionals attending ASRA Fall 2013 will be able to attend lectures, courses and workshops, with topics ranging from “Botulinum Toxin Injection for Headache” to “Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” Other new and Special Session workshops announced for the fall meeting include:

  • Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Pain Medicine
  • Pharmacologic Controversies in Pain Medicine: Pro-Con Debate
  • Long-Term Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Pain Interventional Techniques: Pro-Con Debate
  • Anticoagulation and Interventional Pain Procedures

Pain management specialists will be able to select content based on their preferred learning styles and individual educational needs. In fact, many of the workshops will be hands-on and interactive, allowing participants to practice skills on live models and/or cadavers.

ASRA Fall 2013 is also set to feature an Exhibit Hall where attendees will be able to talk to pain management and anesthesiology EHR software vendors, like 1st Providers Choice, and learn about other pain medicine-related products and services. EHR software designed specifically for the pain medicine specialty can simply workflow and improve the efficiency of many clinical and administrative processes.

To learn more about the 12th Annual Pain Medicine Meeting, click here.

About ASRA: The American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine is the largest subspecialty medical society in anesthesiology. Their mission is to advance the science and practice of regional anesthesia and pain medicine by addressing the clinical and professional educational needs of physicians and scientists. Originally founded in 1923, ASRA has about 4,000 active members, including pain specialists, physicians and scientists from around world.