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EHR for Community Health Centers: Adoption Barriers & Implementation Strategies

Community health centers and federally qualified health centers (FQHC) serve more than 20 million patients each year, according to data from HHS’ Health Resources and Services Administration. They provide medical care to uninsured and underinsured populations, to patients who rely on public health programs for assistance, and to those living in medically underserved parts of the country. These health centers are integral to the nation’s healthcare system, yet they often lack the resources to adopt new technologies that can improve care quality and patient safety, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.

Electronic medical record software is one technology that can help FQHCs further their commitment to providing high-quality patient care. An EMR for community health centers can make it easier to integrate clinical, financial and administrative information; it can help improve health outcomes; and it can facilitate administrative processes. Despite this, health centers are slower to adopt EMR systems than other providers.

Barriers to Adoption

There are several reasons why health centers lag behind other organizations in adopting EMR systems. Some of the factors providers cite most include:

• A lack of funds
• Concerns about loss of productivity or income
• Inability to integrate the EMR with the center’s billing system
• Software does not meet the center’s reporting needs

Implementation Strategies

Despite these roadblocks, it is possible for community health centers to purchase and implement an EMR – and many more are doing so. In order to prepare for implementation, health centers should first ask themselves why they need an EMR and whether their organization is ready for one. They should then conduct extensive research into costs, EMR requirements, preparation time, and whether to seek outside help for the implementation process.

The next step is selecting an EMR and making sure that it meets the health center’s needs. This should be done after the organization has identified the functions that are crucial to their center and the software systems that will need to interface with their new EMR.

Health IT consultants can be beneficial for the installation and initial setup phase, and many technicians may even work for a reduced fee in order to accommodate the health center’s budget. Physician can look for IT technicians working with Regional Extension Centers, in addition to federal grants and funding that can assist with the adoption of an EMR.

IMS EMR for Community Health Centers

Due to our unique approach to EMR software for FQCHs, providers working a health centers nationwide are able to improve care delivery and make a significant difference in the lives of their patients. Our EMR solution is cost-effective, easy to learn and use, and designed specifically with community health centers in mind. In fact, community health centers that use our EMR achieve improvements in patient care through:

• Real-time access to patient information
• Better care coordination across multiple sites
• Improved chronic disease and medication management
• Enhanced quality assurance
• Health information exchange capabilities

Interested in learning more about our EMR for community health centers and FQHCs? Contact us online or call 480-782-1116 to request more information.

Advanced Clinical Editing Software Takes Claims Scrubbing to a New Level

claims scrubbing softwareDenied claims are a large source of lost revenue for many healthcare organizations. Yet, physician practices often lack the resources to process them in a timely fashion. It is important for claims to be submitted accurately and error-free the first time around, to avoid revenue cycle setbacks and ensure timely reimbursement. One way to accomplish this is by using a medical billing or electronic claims scrubbing EMR.

Claims scrubbers analyze the data attached to a claim to ensure that all required data is present before the claims is submitted to the payer. This includes patient demographics, insurance information, procedure and diagnosis codes, and date of service. It is important to note, however, that not all claims scrubbers offer the same features and functionalities. In fact, while a basic claims scrubber might check that certain fields are filled out on the claim, it might not verify the accuracy of the entered data. Therefore, it is important to use a claims scrubbing system with advanced capabilities.

It is also helpful to rely on software that uses the same tools as the major insurance carriers, meaning that if a payer’s tool is updated your practice gets the same update as well. This allows healthcare professionals to fully identify errors that an insurance carrier might catch, thus avoiding a delay in payment.

With 1st Providers Choice’s Advanced Clinical Editing electronic claims software, not only can billing staff submit clean claims the first time, reducing denials and rejections and increasing revenue, but partially-billed procedures can also be corrected in order to ensure maximum reimbursement. Through automated alerts, staff can be notified when edits might be necessary, and they can also review any guidelines and regulations that may have triggered the alerts.

Additional features and benefits of our advanced claims scrubbing software:

  • Integrate superior clinical editing features into existing claims management workflow
  • Actively track, control and prevent denied claims
  • Streamline claims editing with our extensive knowledgebase of coding relationships (from commercial payers to Medicare)
  • View multiple claims rules on the same screen
  • Increase efficiency and revenue with electronic billing

For more information about our electronic claims practice management software and how it might benefit your healthcare organization, contact us at 480-782-1116.

Positioning Your Podiatry EHR for 2014

Big changes have been happening in the healthcare industry in the last few years, revolutionizing the care delivery process, the role that patients play in their care, and how medical records are stored and managed. With all of these changes taking place recently it should come as no surprise that 2014 is poised to be another important year, not only for podiatrists but for all doctors. Physicians will finally be able to start attesting to Stage 2 of the Meaningful Use program on January 1st, for one, meanwhile undertaking preparations to meet the October 1, 2014 deadline to switch from ICD-9 to ICD-10 diagnosis and procedure coding.

For podiatrists, using fully integrated podiatry EHR software will make it easier to affront the many challenges that next year will bring. Here’s a run-down of some of the more important things your practice should prepare for as 2014 draws near:

Attesting to Meaningful Use In 2014

The EHR Incentive Programs have been around for about two years now, and slowly but surely healthcare professionals have gotten the hang of the attestation process. If you are a Meaningful Use veteran in your second, third, or even fourth year of participation, you may have already grown accustomed to the full year reporting periods which are required for Stage 1 after the first year of attestation.

Next year, however, is going to be different as eligible hospitals and healthcare professionals can get started with Stage 2. In 2014 only, all providers – regardless of what stage they are on – are required to demonstrate meaningful use for just 3 months (90 days). The purpose of the universal 3-month reporting period in 2014 is to give all healthcare professionals time to implement and/or upgrade their certified electronic health record software to meet meaningful use requirements going forward.

Podiatry EHR Software - Meaningful Use Dashboard

For podiatrists participating in the Medicare program, the reporting period is fixed to the quarter of either the calendar year (for eligible providers) or fiscal year (for hospitals and critical access hospitals). This is not the case for those participating in the Medicaid program only.

If you are new to Meaningful Use, make sure you decide ahead of time which program you are going to participate in – and find out when you can start the reporting process. If you are ready to move on to Stage 2, check with your EHR vendor to make sure your podiatry EHR software meets the Stage 2 requirements.

Preparing for ICD-10

icd10Getting your podiatry practice ready for 2014 means making the necessary preparations to switch to ICD-10 before October 1st. Though the CEO of the Medical Group Management Association referred to ICD-10 as one of the most expensive and complicated changes the healthcare industry has faced in decades, with proper planning the transition doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. If your practice is already using ICD-10 ready practice management software for podiatry together with a podiatry EHR, the only thing you will have to worry about is getting accustomed to the new codes. Like with any new change, this will happen with patience over time.

Interested in learning more about our podiatry EHR software, Meaningful Use, or ICD-10 preparations and its potential costs? Call 480-782-1116 or contact us online to talk to one of our representatives today!

Specialty-Specific Teams Help Develop Intuitive Ophthalmology EHR Software

Ophthalmology is a unique branch of medicine that differs greatly from other specialties. It requires the use of electronic medical record software with ultra-specific capabilities that generic, multi-specialty systems simply cannot provide. Ophthalmology EHR vendors are better positioned to meet the needs of physicians in this field, as they often employ specialty-specific teams with a better understanding of ophthalmology practice requirements and workflow.

At 1st Providers Choice, we work closely with specialty-specific professionals, such as ophthalmic assistants, to gain insight into the documentation needs of providers in this field. We also maintain regular involvement with ophthalmic and optometric organizations to keep abreast of constant changes and advancements.

Aside from providing key, specialty-specific EHR features and templates, our ophthalmology EHR software focuses on three important characteristics:

1. The ability to handle large image files efficiently.

Ophthalmologists frequently work with high-resolution images of patients’ eyes, and they need to be able to store and access these images without any system lag. Web-based EHR software easily makes this possible, as heavy files are not clogging up one single server. Ophthalmologists can quickly import eye images to their patients’ health records or open existing images for review. Physicians with physical servers may choose to purchase a separate server for their image files in order to prevent system lag.

Ophthalmology EMR

2. The ability to easily record drawings of the eye.

Ophthalmologists often need to record aspects of their patients’ eye examinations with color drawings – and new technology facilitates the inclusion of these drawings in electronic medical record software. Most programs allow physicians to draw a picture, often with the use of a drawing pad, which can then be annotated by drawing arrows that point to corresponding text. Visual findings can be documented with minimal effort and inserted into the appropriate patient’s chart.

3. The ability to connect seamlessly to medical and ophthalmology devices.

Seamless integration with medical equipment, such as cameras and visual field units, can save ophthalmologists a great deal of time by ensuring that data gets to where it needs to go – in the corresponding patient’s health record – without creating extra work for the physician. We have set up interfaces with most major medical devices and have also worked with ophthalmologists to establish custom interfaces with lesser-known equipment.

Interested in learning more about our ophthalmology EHR features? Contact us today at 480-782-1116.

Facilitating Patient Documentation with Voice Recognition Software for EHRs

Voice recognition softwareThough electronic health record software is relatively new to health care, voice recognition software has been around for quite some time. In the past, healthcare professionals used the software to dictate notes when charting on paper, and the notes eventually made it into patients’ charts with the help of medical transcriptionists. With EHR software, however, things have changed.

Most EHR systems, for example, now include a voice recognition feature – and its capabilities are much more advanced than they were even a few short years ago. In the past, when the software produced a block of text, it had to read carefully and edited for spelling and grammatical errors and other inconsistencies. Today’s voice recognition software, however, is much more complete. It includes medical vocabularies for multiple specialties, and it can learn speech patterns, voices and inflections.

Doctors are able to use speech recognition software to document patient data in real time, eliminating the middle man and saving time. Instead of dictating notes for a transcriptionist, for example, physicians can simply talk into a mic and see their notes in front of them on the screen, already in the patient’s chart. This helps ensure that EHR software records are kept up to date and that the most accurate information is being saved in each patient’s chart at the time of the encounter.

Aside from allowing doctors to add free text into patients’ charts, voice recognition software also allows healthcare professionals to perform other tasks. This includes selecting items from drop down menus within the EHR and navigating through other options within visit templates and EHR menus and screens. This not only makes documenting patient visit easier, but adds to the ease of use of electronic health record software.

Are you considering switching to an EHR and looking for a software system with voice recognition capabilities? Learn about the cost and time-saving benefits of medical speech recognition software by contacting us online today.

Making EHR Software Work for Patients and Providers

Doctor using EHR softwareAdopting EHR software can modify provider workflow and charting processes. This means that healthcare professionals must strategically implement the new technology in order to provide high quality care without affecting productivity. What providers often fail to take into account, however, is that patients must also get used to the EHR’s presence in the exam room. Therefore, providers must implement the software in a way that does not affect patient satisfaction.

Here are a few ways that physicians can use their EHR software to improve the doctor-patient relationship.

Use the Chart View screen to review the patient’s medical history. Doing so before entering the exam room will allow you to interact with the patient straightaway without having to go straight to the computer. 1st Providers Choice’s Chart View menu provides physicians with important patient information, such as:

  • Problem list
  • Chronic conditions
  • Past and current medications
  • Patient allergies
  • Family and social histories

Engage the patient in the visit by explaining how the EHR software is being used. Though most patients aren’t wary of what their doctor is doing, too much time spent typing can make the visit feel impersonal and the patient feel neglected. Instead of having the patient wait while you send out a prescription electronically or transmit a lab order through the EHR, involve them in the process and show them what you are doing. After you type visit notes into the EHR, let the patient know that they can view their visit summaries through your practice’s online patient healthcare portal.

Make sure your computer is positioned in a way that is easy for the patient to view. This is critical if you plan to show the patient test results in the EHR or demonstrate how an e-prescription is sent. It is also important in order to prevent the computer from becoming an obstacle that hinders free-flowing communication. Instead of positioning your EHR-enabled computer on a desk between you and the patient, put it somewhere that the patient can easily see.

To learn more about our EHR software solutions and how they can benefit your practice, call 480-782-1116 or contact us online.

Internists Use EHR Software to Improve Patient Care

Internal medicine doctorDoctors of internal medicine often take on the role of primary care providers for adults who are at risk for developing diseases, as well as for patients already suffering from a particular ailment. Seeing as internists must help patients manage their diseases and take steps to prevent others from occurring, it is important for these doctors to have useful tools at their disposal, such as internal medicine EHR.

Two major facets of internal medicine include disease prevention and disease management, each playing an equally important role in patients’ health outcomes. Practicing preventive care is particularly important for patients who are susceptible to diseases that can be spotted early on and even prevented from occurring.

Take diabetes, for example. Using screening tools and questionnaires included in their EMR, physicians can examine certain factors to determine whether a patient is more likely to develop the disease than the average person. These factors can include:

  • Race
  • Weight
  • Blood sugar level
  • Dietary habits
  • Family history of diabetes

If the internist determines that a patient is at risk for developing diabetes, the patient can be counseled regarding appropriate preventive care measures and pointed in the direct of the physician’s online patient portal for educational resources. The physician can also set reminders in the EMR to ensure that the patient is showing up for routine appointments.

For cases where prevention efforts were unsuccessful – or where a disease was not caught early on – internal medicine EHR software also helps. For example, internists can use decision support tools to help determine a plan of action for how to proceed with treating and managing the patient’s disease.

Interested in learning more about the EHR features available to doctors of internal medicine? Contact us online or call 480-782-1116 to speak with one of our representatives.

Why ER Physicians Should Use Pain Management EHR Software to Treat Children

Pain management EHR software is used by anesthesiologists, physiotherapists, and other physicians to provide comprehensive treatment plans and improve the quality of life of patients experiencing chronic pain. However, the software can also be used by emergency room doctors – specifically to manage pain in young patients. Here are a few of the ways that pain management EHR systems are making that possible:

Tools for pediatric pain assessments

According to a report released this week by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), providing pain relief to child patients in the ER requires taking a systematic approach to medicine. This includes establishing pain management protocols and educating staff about the best ways to provide comfort to children. One way to provide more effective pain management care to children is by using tools included in the pain management EHR, such as the Faces Pain Scale and the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale. These evaluation tools are necessary considering that not all children can tolerate pain the same way or accurately describe it.

Guidelines for safe sedation

While it is common for an ER physician to sedate a patient before a procedure, according to the AAP’s report, in order to provide safe sedation for children physicians should abide by certain guidelines, such as performing a structured risk stratification, which includes examining the patient’s airway. The information should all be documented in the patient’s electronic health record. Additionally, a personal My Tasks list can help doctors make sure that all areas of concern are monitored both pre- and post-sedation.

Rules for medication administration

Keeping in line with the systematic approach to pediatric pain management recommended by the AAP, it is important for hospitals to have policies in place for how medications should be administered to children, as well as what steps hospitals caregivers can take to ensure that procedures are performed with minimal discomfort to the patient. One of the things the AAP suggests, for example, is applying topical anesthetics before placing sutures or an IV. By creating custom templates and checklists in the EHR, providers can ensure that the proper steps are taken when treating young patients whose pain thresholds differ greatly from adults.

Physicians interested in learning more about our pain management EHR’s features and benefits can contact us at 480-782-1116.

EHR Vendors Exhibit Software at Physical Therapy Conference in Las Vegas

EHR Vendors Exhibit SoftwareThe annual PPS/APTA Conference & Exhibition is kicking off today at the Wynn Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. Physical therapists in attendance will be able to interact with other physicians in their specialty, peruse the booths of exhibitors such as physical therapy EHR vendors, and even earn continuing education credits. Organized by the Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association, the event ends Saturday, October 27.

Physical therapists, their assistants, and even practice administrators who arrived in Vegas early were able to benefit from two pre-conference workshops. Held on Wednesday, the workshops focused on accountable care organizations and shared savings environments, as well as the claims process, which includes coding, appeals, and audits.

Over the next three days, there will be lectures, discussions and seminars for physical therapists to attend and participate in. Aside from covering medical topics of interest to practicing physicians, there will also be a great focus on health IT-related topics. A few sessions to note include:

  • Health Information Exchange and Its Impact to the PTPP
  • Green Means Go:  Using Dashboards to Improve Financial Performance
  • Moving Your Practice into the “Cloud” (for physicians considering a cloud-based EHR)

After attending the cloud-themed session, physical therapists who want to learn more about electronic health record technology can stop by Booth 517 to view a live demonstration of 1st Providers Choice’s physical therapy EHR and practice management software. Physical therapists will find that cloud-based EHRs are efficient, cost effective solutions for electronic charting.

Data Conversions Enable Allscripts MyWay Users to Switch to a Certified EHR

Many Allscripts users were shocked earlier this month when the company made public that it would no longer be selling the MyWay product and that further development on the software would be coming to a stop. The fact that the MyWay system will not meet requirements for meaningful use stage 2 (nor will it be able to process ICD-10 codes) has led many users to consider other electronic charting alternatives. One of these options is 1st Providers Choice – a fully certified EMR system with custom solutions for more than 30 medical specialties.

While Allscripts has offered to upgrade MyWay users to their Professional Suite system at no cost, Professional Suite isn’t likely to meet the needs of all physicians – specifically those in smaller practices. Another important thing to note is that, because MyWay and Professional Suite are starkly different system, making the transition from one product to the other will require a data conversion, implementation and training. Knowing this, physicians may choose to take on a new EMR implementation with a software system that best meets their needs – and that might not necessarily be Allscripts Professional Suite. Plus, amid rumors of an Allscripts buyout, healthcare professionals may feel more at ease with a stable, more customer-oriented vendor.

With countless Allscripts data conversions completed, 1st Providers Choice remains committed to providing a quality EMR solution for healthcare professionals across a wide range of medical fields. Our EMR software is both meaningful use and ICD-10 compliant and physicians find that learning to use our EMR has never been easier.

Are you dissatisfied with Allscripts MyWay or Allscripts Enterprise? Thinking about transitioning to a new, fully certified EMR? Contact us today at 480-782-1116 for more information about converting your Allscripts data to 1st Providers Choice.