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What Can I Expect From Meaningful Use Stage 2?

Providers cannot begin attesting to meaningful use stage 2 until 2014 – and even then, they can only do so after having successfully attested to stage 1 for two full years. Still, a growing number of healthcare professionals are preparing for the second phase of the federal incentive program and leaving no stone unturned in their quest for meaningful use incentives. Are you wondering how you can start preparing? Begin by familiarizing yourself with the final guidelines, including how stage 2 requirements differ from the ones you are working on now.

Building Blocks

If you understand stage 1 and have successfully attested to meaningful use, you won’t have much to worry about. Stage 2 essentially builds on the core and menu objectives outlined in stage 1. One difference, however, is that hospitals and physicians must meet a greater number of objectives. In addition, percentages have been increased, meaning that providers will need to step up their game. For example, instead of documenting demographic information for more than 50 percent of patients (stage 1), physicians will be required to record specific demographic data for more than 80 percent of patients (stage 2).

Core and Menu Objectives & Clinical Quality Measures (CQM)

For stage 2 of meaningful use, eligible hospitals and providers will be required to meet a different number of objectives using their fully certified EMR. Additionally, although CQMs are no longer listed as a core objective, healthcare professionals participating in the meaningful use program will need to report on CQMs in order to attest to meaningful use. Following are the separate requirements for hospitals and providers:

  • Hospitals must meet 16 of 19 core objectives and 3 of 6 menu objectives. They will also be required to report on 16 of 29 CQMs.
  • Providers must meet 17 of 20 core objectives and 3 of 6 menu objectives. They will also be required to report on 9 of 64 CQMs.

Patient Engagement

There are a couple of new core objectives in meaningful use stage 2 that aim to increase patient engagement. One objective requires the use of secure electronic messaging to communicate with at least 5 percent of patients. (Physicians in limited broadband areas are exempt from this.) Another objective calls for physicians to provide at least 5 percent of their patients “the ability to view online, download and transmit their health information” within four business days of the information being available to the provider.

Data Exchange

A new core objective that focuses on data exchange requires physicians to provide a summary of care record for more than 50 percent of patients that are referred to a another care setting or provider. Additionally, more than 10 percent of these care records will need to be sent electronically. Provider will also need to send at least one summary of care record to a physician with a different EMR or to a CMS-designated test EMR.

Other Notable Differences in Stage 2

  • 2014 is the only year that there will be a three-month reporting period for all healthcare professionals regardless of whether they are reporting for stage 1 or stage 2. To find out when your reporting window is, visit CMS’ website.
  • With stage 2, healthcare groups will be able to submit attestation information for different providers all at once. Currently, each provider must submit attestation data separately.

If you are looking for a fully certified EMR than can help you meet meaningful use, check out one of our specialty-specific EMR systems. Our software solutions feature interactive reporting modules and integrate with billing and practice management software.

Physicians Use Telemedicine and Document Data in EHR

Doctor using telemedicine EHR serviceTelemedicine services support the patient-centered medical home model by allowing physicians to provide long-distance care to patients. This can be accomplished through the use of videoconferencing software, mobile health applications, and other technologies with video and audio capabilities. Through the use of multi-specialty EHR software and other EHR solutions, physicians can easily document data that is learned during the teleconsult, ensuring that patient records are accurate and complete.

Telemedicine contributes to more collaborative, comprehensive care in the following ways:

Patient well-being: Through the use of teleconferencing equipment, healthcare professionals can maintain contact with patients who require follow-up consults but do not necessarily need to make the trip to the doctor’s office or hospital. It also allows physicians to monitor factors that could indicate a worsening condition. Most importantly, it makes it possible for patients who might not be able to make it to their doctor’s office to receive the care they need. Patients with transportation difficulties are less likely to make follow-up appointments and to follow through with their indicated treatment regimens.

Physician collaboration: Telehealth services allow physicians to share data and to work with other caregivers in distant locations. This benefits patients in rural settings with limited access to certain specialists. Instead of traveling long distances for a specialist consult, for example, their physician could set up a teleconsult. With EMR software, the physicians would also be able to share data, making it possible for the specialist to reach an accurate diagnosis.

Who benefits from telemedicine services?

Telemedicine eliminates certain barriers that impede physicians from providing continuous, comprehensive care to patients who need it most. This includes:

  • Patients in rural areas with limited access to healthcare facilities
  • Patients in communities that are underserved by certain medical specialists
  • Patients who no longer require hospitalization but need critical follow-up care
  • Critically ill patients who cannot be transported easily
  • Patients without access to transportation

Is your healthcare organization considering using telemedicine services? To learn more about how telemedicine EMR features can benefit your practice, contact us to today.

Iowa Podiatric Medical Society Hosts Conference, Invites EHR Exhibitors

Iowa Podiatric Medical SocietyThe Heartland Podiatry Conference will be held in Des Moines, Iowa next week from October 3 to 6. The annual meeting is being hosted by the Iowa Podiatric Medical Society (IPMS) in conjunction with the Heartland Scientific Committee and the Nebraska Podiatric Medical Society. In addition to the many podiatrists attending the event, there will be nurses, assistants, podiatry EHR vendors, and other vendors and exhibitors relevant to the podiatry field.

Iowa, Minnesota and Nebraska-based physicians who attend the conference can receive up to 25 CME credit hours depending on which of the workshops and lectures they attend. The same goes for nurses who wish to qualify for their own continue education credits (CEU). To view the list of approved courses and their corresponding credits, view the Doctor’s and Assistant’s agendas on IPMS’ website.

Some of the topics of the courses offered for podiatric nurses and assistants include: responding to hostile behavior in the workplace; coding updates and ICD-10; and how new technologies are modifying practice workflows and creating new risks. Podiatrists will be able to attend a series of lectures and mini workshops about new procedures and technologies and overall podiatric care. On the last day of the conference the Heartland Scientific Committee will give a lecture titled “My Most Interesting Care.”

In addition to the many lectures and discussions scheduled throughout the four-day seminar, the Heartland Podiatry Conference is also hosting an exhibitor reception on Thursday, October 54. All those in attendance will have the chance to talk to exhibitors, view podiatry EHR software demos first-hand, and mingle with other guests.

Podiatry Institute Hosts Seminar in San Diego with Focus on EHR

Podiatry Institute logoPodiatry EHR software will be a popular topic this week at the Podiatry Institute’s “Update 2012 Reconstructive Surgery of the Foot Ankle” seminar. The event, which is being co-sponsored by the San Diego Podiatric Society, kicks off on Thursday, September 27 in San Diego, California and will come to a close on Sunday, September 30.

Podiatrists (and other physicians in attendance), will take part in workshops, lectures and group discussions covering a wide range of topics relevant to the podiatry specialty. Some of the topics that will be discussed are: the widespread challenges that many podiatrists face; new technologies and techniques used in treating foot and ankle afflictions; and how to avoid common complications.

There will also be exhibitors at the event showcasing the latest podiatry technologies, such as electronic medical records software – one of the things that is sure to be a topic of conversation amongst podiatrists at the San Diego conference. 1st Providers Choice will be exhibiting their IMS Podiatry EMR and will be providing live demos for interested physicians.

There are two lectures on the agenda that specifically target EHR use. The first, “Designing Your Practice’s Workflow to Optimize Your EHR Implementation,” will be held on the first day of the conference. While there is no information yet as to what speakers will talk about specifically, physicians can most likely look forward to suggestions about implementing EHR software for podiatrists. The second event, which will take place on Saturday, is called “Optimizing EHR to Improve Patient Care and Mitigate Risk.” The lecture will focus on improving patient care through proper use of an EHR, and presenters will talk about documentation risks, suggested charting techniques, and patient privacy.

To learn more about the three remaining seminars on the Podiatry Institute’s 2012 agenda, click here.

The Podiatry Institute is a world renowned nonprofit educational foundation whose members are committed to advancing podiatric medicine and surgery. The Institute hosts seminars, conferences, and workshops throughout the year in an effort to promote and advance podiatric medicine. All proceeds from these meetings are used to develop educational materials for podiatrists and other foot and ankle surgery physicians.

Peds Physicians Use Pediatric EHR for More Specialized Care

When pediatric physicians implement generic EHR systems, they often learn the hard way that their software of choice is not equipped to meet the needs of pediatric specialists. This is due to the fact that generalized software systems lack specialty-specific features and prevent physicians from replacing paper-based processes altogether, meaning that different workflows must be completed outside the electronic medical record software.

When patient data gets dispersed amongst various locations, it creates incomplete electronic health records, which can ultimately affect patient care. With pediatric EHR software, however, pediatricians benefit from specialty-specific configurations that make charting patient encounters more accurate and efficient. IMS’ pediatric EHR provides physicians with specialty-specific tools that help with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and illnesses in children.

Following are a few of the ways that pediatric EHR software allows physicians to provide more effective and specialized pediatric care:

1. Choose from templates designed for pediatric specialists.

Pediatricians face a unique problem, which is that physical examinations can be very different for a newborn than for a pre-pubescent child. Because of this, having generic templates can create extra work or even cause important data to be left out of the EHR. With pediatric-specific software systems, however, physicians are able to select exam templates based on a child’s age, symptoms, or specific behavioral disorders.

Modules for pediatric EHR software feature common pediatric issues such as child psychology, newborn complaints and birth injuries, APGAR and BALLARD scores, well child exams, and neonate examinations. Meanwhile, templates for behavior conditions include:

  • ADHD
  • Breath holding
  • Bruxism
  • Head banging
  • Pica
  • Tics
  • Autism
  • Learning disabilities & more

2. Create charts to map patient growth.

Ever since a child is born, height and weight measurements are a standard part of their yearly check-ups. This data can help pediatricians identify developmental problems by comparing the child’s growth to that of their peers, as well as by comparing their yearly growth to that of previous years. By using pediatric EHR software, physicians are able to enter height and weight data in one location in the EHR and it will automatically plot the information in the patient’s growth chart – a vital feature for any pediatric specialist.

3. Keep track of patient immunizations.

With immunization management tools, pediatricians can easily document and monitor the vaccines that each patient has had. Physicians can also set health follow-up reminders in their EHR to alert them when a child is due for their next vaccine.

Learn more about the many ways a pediatric-specific EHR can benefit your practice. Contact us today for a free demo.

Pain Management EMR Vendor Exhibits Software at Annual Conference

Pain management EMR on tabletThe American Academy of Pain Management (the Academy) is holding its 23rd Annual Clinical Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona from September 20 to 23. This will be the fourth year that the conference is held in partnership with the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, which is part of the University of Arizona network.

More than 1,500 medical professionals are expected to attend the conference, including physicians, nurses, psychologists, physical therapists, and nurse anesthetists, among others. During the meeting, physicians will participate in lectures and discussions about pain management care. Exhibitors will also showcase some of the services, trends and products new to the pain management field – including pain management EMR software.

1st Providers Choice will be exhibiting their pain management EMR, giving physicians a chance to learn about the exciting features that are making charting more efficient for pain management caregivers. Our software was designed with pain management specialists in mind. By using it physicians are able to provide better patient care, improve workflows and increase revenue.

To learn more about IMS’ fully certified pain management EMR software and to view a free demo showcasing the EMR’s pain management-specific features, visit Booth 301 at the meeting.

The American Academy of Pain Management is a nonprofit organization that represents physicians who treat patients suffering from pain. The Academy offers opportunities for continuing education, credentialing for pain management caregivers, pain management publications, and advocacy for people with pain. It is the largest pain management organization in the United States.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward with a Fully Certified Podiatry EMR

Podiatry EMR software has made it possible for physicians to effortlessly transition from paper charts to electronic medical records and to attest to Meaningful Use. In fact, among the providers eligible for incentive payments through the EHR Incentive Program, podiatry is one the specialties that has seen the most EMR converts. In May 2011 when the first Meaningful Use checks were sent out, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid reported that podiatrists accounted for 12 percent of incentive payment recipients. The fact is, podiatrists seem to be satisfied with their fully certified EMRs, and here are a few reasons why.

Custom forms and templates make charting more efficient. Podiatrists using generic EMRs often find that the software requires extensive customization in order to fully meet the needs of their specialty. With podiatry-specific EMR software, however, the system’s screens, terminology and documentation are already suited to the needs of podiatry specialists. This means that the EMR software is ready to use out of the box and requires little modification.

Some of the documents available to podiatrists include patient instructions and educational resources, as well as exam templates for issues such as ankle fracture, routine foot exam, ingrown toenail, diabetic foot ulcer and more. The software also comes equipped with graphics and diagrams of the foot, ankle and lower extremities, on which physicians can draw or write notes on.

The podiatry-specific medical billing manager makes billing more accurate. For example, the EMR automatically suggests certain billing codes based on the procedures and diagnoses that the physician selected during the visit. Features such as this help ensure that podiatrists get paid for all of the work that they do and that certain codes are not forgotten or accidentally left out.

Built-in reporting modules make it easier for podiatrists to attest to Meaningful Use and qualify for incentive payments.  By using the Meaningful Use dashboard and module features, physicians can see the percentage of progress they have made in attesting to Meaningful Use, as well as what progress is still left to be made.

Are you a podiatrist interested in transitioning to a podiatry-specific EMR for the first time? Or are you looking to convert your data to IMS from a different EMR? Learn how our fully certified podiatry EMR and practice management software solutions can benefit your practice.

Physicians Take Note: 2012 Meaningful Use Deadline Nears

Doctor taking notes for Meaningful UseFor many physicians, the thought of adopting EMR software is overwhelming, as it can require investing money in computer equipment, software fees and licensing. Not to mention the time that goes into setup, training and implementation, as well as the drastic changes to providers’ charting methods and workflows. The fact of the matter is, implementing an EMR doesn’t have to be as scary as some might make it out to be, as there are many resources available to help physicians make the transition – from regional extension centers to EMR vendors themselves.

With the deadline to start reporting for Stage 1 of Meaningful Use this year fast approaching, physicians eager to receive the maximum incentive payments allowed through CMS should take heed – if you choose not to participate in Meaningful Use this year, you could be missing out on $5,000 worth of stimulus money.

If you want to take advantage of the money available to you through federal incentive programs, we suggest taking note of the following date:

  • October 3: In order to earn the full $44,000 in incentive payments, providers must start the Stage 1 reporting period no later than this day.

Of course, the first step to achieving Meaningful Use is implementing fully certified EMR software, and you’ll want to do that a month or so before you need to start attesting to Meaningful Use. This will give you enough time to learn the system, train your staff and start using the EMR with live patients. That way, you can have all the kinks worked out by the time you start reporting.

Fully certified EMR software meets national standards for data exchange (interoperability) and is a requirement for Meaningful Use. If you choose to invest in a cheaper EMR, be careful. Having an uncertified product could cost you more in the long run. Not only will you miss out on Meaningful Use incentive payments, but you run the risk of not being able to exchange health records with other EMR users. This is something that will likely be emphasized more in Stages 2 and 3 of the Meaningful Use program.

Why Choose Fully Certified, Web-Based EMR Software?

Doctor typing on keyboard using web-based EMRThough healthcare providers might have had their doubts once about web-based software solutions, cloud computing is gaining traction and more and more caregivers are taking advantage of web-based services. If you are medical professional debating the benefits of a certified, web-based EMR versus a client/server model, here are a few reasons why you should consider web-based software:

Lower Initial Investment: EMRs that run solely on client/server systems can be quite expensive. Healthcare professional not only have to worry about costly licensing fees, but about purchasing a server that meets the software’s specifications, as well as computers with adequate hardware specifications in order to achieve optimal performance. Web-based EMR systems, on the other hand, require lower, monthly payments, making them a perfect solution for providers with tighter budgets.

Leave Maintenance to IT Experts: The fees for web-based EMR software typically include hosting and maintenance, as databases are stored remotely on servers owned by the EMR vendor. Experienced IT technicians working for the vendor will generally handle updates and upgrades, as well as network and database security. With IT specialists taking care of the technical side, all you have to worry about is practicing medicine.

Increased Security: Providers are right to worry about the security of their patient’s protected health information, and web-based EMR systems offer the best security against potential breaches. In fact, EMR vendors offering web-based services are HIPAA compliant. You won’t even have to worry about running backups or losing patient data were something to happen to your database server.

Convenient Access to Patient Records: Have you ever needed to work on or access a patient’s record while outside your practice? With fully certified web-based EMR software, you can view and edit your patient database from anywhere as long as you have access to the Internet. This is great news for providers who see patients at different facilities, or for those who simply like to get work done at home.

Learn more about fully certified, web-based EMR software, such as how it can benefit your hospital or independent practice.

Orthopedic Sports Medicine EHR Software Makes Charting a Breeze

orthopedic EHR x-ray imageHaving an EHR system that fits the needs of your medical practice is important if you want to improve productivity and provide the best care possible for your patients.

Sports medicine doctors and orthopedic specialists, who are finally looking to make the switch to electronic health records, should consider the benefits of using an orthopedic sports medicine EHR. Not only are these specialty-specific systems designed to meet your unique needs, but they adapt to your workflows and make documenting patient encounters a breeze.

Unlike generic EHRs, sports medicine-specific software doesn’t require extensive customization. Why? Because EHR systems designed with orthopedic doctors in mind already feature the things that specialists need in order to practice medicine. This means you won’t have to spend hours of valuable training time setting the system up the way you need it.

Since you are already familiar with the specialty-specific forms, templates and terminology contained in the EHR, all you have to worry about is learning how to find your way around the different screens. Plus, if you want to add an extra diagram or template, doing so is simple with or without the help of your EHR trainer.

Orthopedic specialists need to be able to access their patient records from different locations. Whether you are performing an operation at a hospital or surgery center or visiting a rehab facility to treat a sports medicine patient, having access to your patients’ medical history is key. By using a web-based orthopedic EHR, you can log in and manage patients’ charts from any computer, tablet or device with Internet access. This allows you to provide patients with the best care possible.

Learn more about how EHR software for orthopedic sports medicine doctors can benefit your practice. Contact us to view a free demo.